Munster Senior Hurling Championship 2023 (Part 1)

Good point - but the media wouldn’t use that logic in their explanations because they generally are morons

20,000 for Waterford vs Limerick at Semple this year

For comparison, 11,000 at Waterford vs Tipp last year and 11,000 for Waterford vs Cork in Walsh Park

So that 20k, if converted to the 11k for Walsh park would’ve lowered the average for this year so far by nearly 9.5%

134,000 so far (rounded figures)
124,000 if Walsh Park

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Could you imagine what the figures would be if the Tipp fans bothered to get off their holes and go to matches?


It was Waterford’s decision to redevelop their ground rather than anything foisted on them

A little rich coming from a Clare fan, ye travel in ye’re hundreds when things are going badly for the senior team. I have been to many a game in Thurles where there has been under a couple of thousand Clare fans at the match.

There was nothing special about 30k turning up for Limerick Clare given it was the Saturday night off a bank holiday with that riverfest thing on.

Limerick are going for 4 in a row and unlike the Munster final where close to 50k turned up to travel to Thurles it was actually pretty much do or die for Clare.

30k is par at best and as we’ve seen in Leinster attendances gone fall off a cliff very quickly.

Cork do seem to be getting some big crowds but it’s a half million city which is meant to be hurling crazed.

The fact there are more games and large crowds are still holding up is another sign of the strength of support.

As we’ve seen in Leinster crowds can disappear very quickly and in the football championship too.

The idea these figures justify anything is silly.

An All Ireland Hurling Semi Final last year couldn’t break 30k.

The Quarter Final’s and Leinster Finals were terrible crowds/spectacles last year.

So far in Munster this year, crowds to be fair have held up well but as the year goes on, I think they will fall off as the number of games and cost mounts up.

Instead of the Hurling championship reaching a cresendo as the business end comes in to view, it fizzles out with about 5 knockout games over 3 weekends over a two month period.

Once the round robin finishes on May 28th, that’s essentially it in terms of ‘win or bust hurling’ until Quarter Finals day at lunchtime on a Saturday some time towards the end of June.

The final didn’t sell out last year.

The fact pretty much every sport had a massive bounce last year after Covid when people were caged up like animals for two years means the gaa figures aren’t that impressive at all.

Every other niche sport is constantly on about growing the game except for hurling. There seems to be no appetite for it at all.

Yes but what we’re actually seeing in Munster is the attendance figures holding up extremely well.

Croke Park is playing a blinder.

Everyone is talking about the hurling.


Which game was that?

Kilkenny v Clare had 28 or 29k.

More lies.

From the outset, Kilkenny’s touch was razor-like on Saturday. In front of a predominantly Clare crowd of 39,626, they dismantled their favoured opponents with a first-half display that gave up just one wide and one saved shot.

Mea cupla I had 29 and not 39 in my head.

Still a bad crowd for an AI Semi Final.

Kilkenny having very poor support would explain a lot there. If it was Clare vs Cork you could add another 10-15 thousand to it.

I was in Kilkenny last Sunday and you’d hardly know there was a match on in Nowlan Park. In fact, I was able to saunter into Langtons and get a table for four and grand roast beef dinner within 15 minutes of my arrival. This was half an hour before throw in.

Probably had it hoovered up before the ball was thrown in too

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