Munster Senior Hurling Championship 2023 (Part 1)

What the hell is cast ?

Streaming is for college students

You click a little button and it casts whatever your streaming on your phone to the TV. It’s seamless.

My phone is for tfk and calls/texts

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The new slogan of the brave new world flop season will be something like: “No true GAA person owns a laptop. A laptop, a laptop I tells ya. What year do these people think it is? 1949? We don’t need to cater to these people.”

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Cooper pope recommended the tv I have know so I’ll ask him about this but I still haven’t gotten around to connecting the broadband to it.

How is the chief? Tell him I was asking for him :+1:

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Nobody HAS to watch anything they don’t want to

Yes but you want the national broadcaster to broadcast wall to wall hurling

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I normally aim to finish my days work at approx 6.10pm on a Saturday evening. Now if there was say a 5pm throw in reaching its climax around this time on Sky Sports I would more than likely flick it on and watch its conclusion.

If a 5pm game is reaching its climax on GAAGO at 6.10/6.15pm on a Saturday evening, am I going to login to GAAGO and ‘cast’ from my phone (I have no idea how to do this) or get a HDMI Cable for the laptop? Not a hope in hell.

This is the reality of the situation.


Cast are a 1990s Liverpool band who sang “Walkaway”. And that’s what people are doing as regards the GAA.


An absolute outrage.

This is how interest in a sport/competition dwindles.

And its dwindling fast for the GAA right now.

Mate, the games are still on tv. Just not all of them. Much like how it was when we were growing up.

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Yeah but those games had actual crowds at them because they actually had something at stake.

I’d be more than happy to return to knock out.

I do yes.

Do you pay your license fee?

I do yes

Are you willing to pay 3 times the fee?

Show the evidence for that calculation please

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