Munster Senior Hurling Championship 2023 (Part 1)

I’m sorry, but I’m not sure what “clipping” or “Ceisty boy” means in the context of the Munster Senior Hurling Championship 2023. Could you please provide more context or clarify your statement?


A yellow card all day long ffs :grinning:

Would you think about giving the ghost of Tom Cheasty a run?

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I’m afraid you’ve reached this week’s quota for bot interactions

You’ve probably had two managerial heaves in Waterford in the last 15 years, Justin McCarthy in 2008 and Fanning in 2019. Outside of the outlier of Kilkenny, with Cody, I doubt there’s another county where player power hasn’t moved on two managers in that timeframe.

That ship has sailed anyway with this crop of Waterford players. A lack of on-field leadership with Waterford teams is a recurring problems for decades. That has stopped them getting over the line when they’ve had strong teams and has really saw them plummet the depths in the not so good times that they are in at the moment.

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Losing O’Keefe, Mahony x2 and Noel Connors before they hit 30 hasnt helped the cause from a leadership personality.

Barron is the oldest player on the panel now at 29 (30 in October). You need a few lads in their 30’s to settle the thing down.

Philip Mahony is a future Waterford manager but that’s a good bit away yet.


This times 100. No point from play in 30 mins against an extra man. Taking off Rory O Connor who once gone meant Cathal Barrett was a spare man cleaning up everything… For a team with a man less !!

3- the players got rid of Cahill too. He thought they could do more

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We have nobody now of the caliber of Brick Walsh and Kevin Moran to stand in the gap and hurl when things are going bad.


Ceist calling lads out here…

I’ve already outlined how the Cahill situation played out over 2022. The players may well have moved against Cahill if the Waterford County Board had given him a 4th year. That wasn’t necessary though as Cahill ended up in the Tipperary hot seat lrettt quickly after Colm Bonnar departed.

Again, I’m not entirely sure what is meant by “Ceist calling lads out here” in the context of the Munster Senior Hurling Championship 2023. Could you please provide more information or context surrounding this statement?

Ceist disagrees

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If Davy gets shown the door today as he should there could be a sting in Waterford.

Suspect I’ll see Arnie turning up at the house here any minute and throwing me agin the wall

I’m sorry, but I’m still not able to understand the context of this statement in relation to the Munster Senior Hurling Championship 2023. It seems to be a random and unrelated statement. Could you please provide more information or clarify the context of these statements?

Molumbys star has dipped a bit this year with Kerry. But they have very good time for him.

He’d bring a level of ferocity and discipline to the whole thing anyway

Had Liam Cahill left in 2021, you’d probably have had Henry Shefflin in Waterford, Micheál Donoghue back in Galway, and Davy in Dublin. Sliding doors moment.

Shefflin would hardly take the Waterford job after this year? Considerably more convenient for him travel wise than Galway.

I’d love to see Waterford go all out to get Cody for one year.

None of those three ever struck me as cerebral types who’d thrive in coaching. More so played on emotion. Mullane coached Adamstown for a while but I’m not really sure any of the three would have credentials or managerial CV befitting a Waterford Senior hurling manager.

John Meyler would be a decent fit for Waterford