Munster Senior Hurling Championship 2023 (Part 1)

It is policed to the 45 in football but must be a new thing in hurling. Perhaps a rule change?

I actually thought the 65 was the rule

They inforced it in the layge semi and final. Sure Barry Murphy was able to score directly from the throw in v Tipp. All the refs at underage club games are enforcing it as well

Yeah, we had a league match recently where there was no '45 marked so there was awful trouble trying to get players back far enough.

The ref refused to throw the ball in until they were back as far as he thought they should but obviously had no linesmen, and they were way closer on one side than the other.

Sad Anthony Anderson GIF

In fairness to refs too - I was at a club match last night in Limerick and the whistle was blown 6 times for Steps/Thrown Passes combined

I would always shout ‘steps’ if I thought someone was overcarrying, but now I’m hearing more and more shout ‘travelling’.

Is this a new phenomenon?

I saw it. But wondering if it is a rule change or a case of remembering the rules?

That’s the likes of @Lazarus and @Thomas_Brady from pretending they are basketball fans

Thats a flagrant bro

It’s a new rule that was passed at Congress this year.


Personal foul.

When did roaring “hit the cunt” go outta fashion?

Take the fucking hand off him

Had it recently in a league game myself where the referee refused to throw the ball in until everyone was outside/inside (depending on your pov) the 45s.

The ref in the next game after that didn’t give a tuppenny shite.

I don’t think there is any penalty for not complying so all the ref can do is wait until everyone gets back. Could be plenty of 'throw it into fuck’s in the crowd starting from this weekend.

Throw out a couple of random yellas to put a bit of smacht on proceedings and away you go.


They’ve been informed now, the players should be booked if they don’t retreat

A bit of pushing and shoving and skelping until the ref gives into a roaring crowd would be preferable.

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Advantage Limerick

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