Munster Senior Hurling Championship 2024…part 2

A mark in hurling might be an idea.

What a catch.

Where was the foul?

2 decent chances straight at Nicky

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No thank you

Great catch. Pity he didn’t do better with the strike at goal.

Clare are useless

Limerick not even trying and they’re gonna murder them

If you reffed the fouling that happened after a catch you’d be grand

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Nasty hit on Duggan’s head there

Kinnerk and Kielys behaviour on the sideline is a small bit embarrassing

Ah Jayus

Ah Jaysus what a miss

You cant miss 3 goal chances like that

When you come at the king you best not miss

Clare don’t take nearly enough goal chances in big matches.

We haven’t seen O’Donnell this half at all


Limerick might regret not bothering their holee in this game yet

It’s mental how Clare have missed these goal chances, been hitting hopeless ball into their outnumbered forwards, have been monstered around the pitch for the last 45 minutes and are still only four points down.

It’s actually an indictment on Limerick.

Conor Leen has been outstanding


Love how Duggan threw it up and pulled on it there.

One way to deal with the mauling.


Game has opened up a lot as the teams have tired.