Munster Senior Hurling Championship 2024

I’ll have the Limerick hb line right in my view this half but it’s probably been 2019 since they were dominated this much? … You can’t bate hunger… Cork first to every ball. Their fans well up for the fist pumping :joy:.

Stack is some cunt. I might kill him tonight.

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Stack has been absolutely fine.


Need Limerick down to 14


Like Samson’s hair being cut, the lack of Tom Morrisseys hair spilling out of a yella Cooper is a bad omen.

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I’d guess second half of 1990 all Ireland final would be there somewhere

Go way you cunt. Two blatant chops in front of my face not given and a knee to Tom Morrissey in the ribs. Limerick have to be fouled three times before he gives it.

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Darragh Fitz is a rolls Royce of a hurler


He’d wipe the floor with a wimp like you

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When was the last time Nickie had a problem with the contacts?

That was a nasty hit from the Limerick fella in the red helmet

Get up to fuck Collins. Embarrassing

Collins going for the Oscar there.

Diarmuid Byrnes is being cuckolded here today. It’s like he’s playing for Patrickswell out there

Limericks rubby hurdlers are struggling tonight, need to lower the blade here

Seems to be a bit greasy out there now, bit of dew forming

A few Carks running out of diesel here

Cork implosion part II

Oh dear. Same chap at fault for the goal again.

amateur hour

That’s criminal stuff.