Munster Senior Hurling Championship 2024

Stack doesn’t give that pelanty and the analysis of this is so different.

He was right to give it but wouldn’t have been questioned if he didn’t.



Kiely said so in his interview afterwards to OTB.
He was disappointed with the puck out but felt the run should have being dealt with before Hayes rugby tackle.

Agreed but leaping on a fella to haul him down was bizarre.

The Clares have been troubling too to be fair.

Cork were done last night only for the brain fart from kyler.

Again agreed but they conceding 2 appalling bad goals to breed life into the Limerick comeback.

Experience will count a lot on time for this cork side, the ingredients are there to cause LK big issues going forward.

There’s no one whinging, just discussing what happened in the game. I had a great night

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Lets be honest mate, Kyle Hayes getting a smack in the balls isn’t something anyone will lose any sleep over. Part of the job description when you are marking a lad from Fr. O’Neills anyway.


Limerick were done only for Collins/SOD handing two goals over and Barrett/Hayes missing two sitters in the first half.

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If that’s how you want it that’s fine… :+1:

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Unfortunately, the form of Diarmaid Byrnes is a serious concern. He was utterly cleaned last night and has been struggling all season.

He has enough credit in the bank to hold his place and there isn’t an obvious replacement, bar Cathal O’Neill maybe. Colin Coughlan is too loose and has no pace when forced back towards his own goal.

He should have taken Kingston down before Hayes was put in that position. A few minutes previously he tried to take the leather off the ball from a free which he put wide, thereby putting the ball back in Collins’ hands at a vital time. Cork were cute enough to keep their final free in play leading to Hayes’ insurance score.

Cork targeted his wing time and again last night with much success. It’s a worry going forward.

Other than that, what a game of Munster Championship hurling. That is all.


Cork should have been 12 up at half… Missing goal chances or not taking points? Was the same v Clare

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Yeah, Kingston shouldn’t have been left start off.

Was Byrnes on a yellow? If not, he has to concede the free on Kingston.

Not too many bad ones in fairness

Bizarre hindsight here regarding Kingstons run,
Were Limerick supposed to drag him to the ground as soon as he got the ball in his hand???

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That’s where hannon, finn and casey were missed at the end. Bit of wideness

Cathal O’Neill was in stride with him around the 40 and could easily have just had a tug or lazy tackle to halt his gallop. Is his defence, Byrnes was 10 yards behind him and I assume he didn’t expect Byrnes to defend it like a turnstile.

Hindsight is 20:20 but 2 points up there were chances to stop the attack without giving away a penalty.

Limerick could be as well off not in a Munster final if that was possible.

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@carryharry and @Gman asked for it. There’s been a robbery… Call the cops, cancel the All Ireland.


I don’t think it’s not possible if they get any kind of result… But i agree with you.