Munster Senior Hurling Championship 2024

He was struggling to get words out when the goals went in. No fuckin Holey Moley out of hin yesterday.

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I felt noticeably tired for sure with 20 mins left, movement had ground to a halt and also couldnt deal with Limerick running at them. Of course Quilligan could have done better also.

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Maybe a couple of “holy fucks” alright under his breath

The Carkies will bate Clare next Sunday.

I wouldnt put my house on that nlbut it all dapends on Clare mentality. They recovered from a disaster v Tipp last year, they could do it again.

Their record down there is shocking though and they refuse to go there supporters wise.

I think Cork will bate them. They’ll get goals.

You’d think Cork will cut the umbilical cord with the 2013 crew. If they do they have a right chance but they dont have an alternate free taker unless Dalton is fit so may have to retain 1 of Horgan or Lehane. I’m convinced the dropping of Horgan and the free taking disaster that unfolded vs Galway in Semple stadium a few years ago is a cautionary tale in terms of making him undroppable now.

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I dont disagree but team the Cork team selection will be interesting. I’d be leaving Lehane and Hoggie for the last 20 mins when the game might open up for them

There’s a huge difference between the two defeats. They gave away goals early last year and were always struggling to get back into it. It was an easier defeat to digest. Yesterday was different. They had limerick on the ropes and imploded. A lot harder to recover from

I think they should persist with them.

A game for Robbie O’Flynn… Is he fit or what?

Barrett and Connolly were very good yesterday to be fair. Cork will be delighted to see two of the younger forwards stand out for a change. Is Shane Kingston injured?

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Realistically they have to move on from the three fellas there since the 2013 AI final.

Its odd that Pat Ryan doesnt see or feel the need to put the younger hurlers out there given the underage success.

Regardless though, Cark will bate Clare below there. As a match up, Cark don’t suit them. Connolly will get a couple of goals.

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He is a serious hurler. No luck with injuries though unfortunately.

I hope you told her to fuck off

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I actually think Cork are dangerous this year. Have a feeling it’ll be a Limerick v Cork, Munster final.

That loss to Waterford might kick them into gear.

Need to get their best team out but that underage success has to start paying dividends eventually.

If it’s in the stand have some awareness of those around you but the terrace… get fucked ye inbred cunts.

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Does Cleary hold every game? Does he ever strike a ball?

He is a filthy footballer pretending to be a hurler.

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He’s not dirty anyway it’s spoiling, there is a good respect between himself and Gillane but their wrestling routine is getting old now.

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