Munster Senior Hurling Championship 2024

We never really replaced snack box Joe

O’Donnell is clearly winded - as any fella would be if you are running full pelt and then blindsided with a body check


The people of Tipperary are not happy. This is a watershed moment you’d have to say… This result will be the turning point for the 2029 AI win.

Absolutely brain dead thing to do when you are already on a yellow. He can have no complaints.


Corner backs :man_shrugging:

At least turn towards the ball and then step in front of the man. It was a very easy decision for the ref

Exactly what I was thinking, step across him with your back to him and pretend to be going for the ball.

Haven’t seen it but apparently the first yellow was very soft. But he knew he was on a yellow at the same time

He clotheslined David Reidy up around the neck with a lazy enough tackle attempt - it was a definite yellow especially compared to some of the others doled out

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I fecking love Ken Hogan. Incredibly drib-drab to listen to, but his love of the game and Tipperary Hurling is unreal.

Could listen to him all day.

He still thinks Tipp have the players.

The question for Tipp right now is desire and fight.

The first one was never yellow in a million years all the same

I think his belief in the Tipp squad is pie-in-the-sky stuff tbh.

Tipp definitely don’t have the players; so they need to hit different levels of playing for the jersey etc. to get out of Munster. 1/4 Final A/I is the limit either way.

Stop now - it is a text book yellow

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Incredibly soft and no way should a player be sent off for those two challenges.

We need to give defenders a chance to encourage more attacking play.

Everyone is playing deeper to cut out space.

Slow it down and you see Reidy pull the arm up around him

Reidy is 5’7". The cark man pulled a move out of the WWF

I’ve done a preliminary freeze frame analysis but I will defer to @Kyle on this


Correct. You can see Reidy hooked his arm and pulled it down…

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Can you do a freeze frame on your throbbing fanny too

His arm is very flaccid in still one and is hooked by Reidy.