Munster SHC 2021

Eh last weekend & last night?

Didnā€™t see them

Sunday Game?

Itā€™s meant to be for denying clear goal scoring opportunities. Iā€™m not sure if the word ā€œcynicalā€ is mentioned in the rule, but youā€™d think itā€™s for deliberate drag downs like Eoin Murphy in Croke Park last night and not for a mistimed genuine attempt to play the ball on the sideline when there were players on the cover, closing off the angle to goal. Itā€™s like he got every aspect of it wrong.


I think he also hit 2 scorable wides

It was a cynical tackle and Iā€™d say the linesmanā€™s view had a fair bearing on Owens decision

In fairness, the clare lad was a close contactā€¦

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Jackie is livid.

You need a few terrible refereeing decisions to make a Championship Sunday.

Clare can take great pride from that today.

A biased RTE panel again today

Hon Jackie ya man ya

Jackie canā€™t say he definitely wonā€™t create a goal chance if not tackled tbf.

If Morris gets through he makes another defender leave his man.

Now weā€™ll never know so fuck up Jackie you cunt

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Ah Jackie :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Jackie hates Tipp


It was a very bad challenge in fairness

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Twas. Probably not a penalty though.


Daly is so annoyed heā€™s not even chuckling as he talks


Why did he think he needed to make that lunge ???

Jackie Littlewoods is irate.