Munster v South Africa - PuíC

It’s on!! Can’t wait. It’ll sell out for sure

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Cork GAA sold out a long time ago


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They love their rugby in Cork. Hope they’ve a nice evening.

The gaa desperate for cash after failing to sell out any of the games this year.

Haven’t the Cork sporting public suffered enough in recent years.


Bring back rule 42

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Are you familiar with the PuiC situation?


Or better still just ban Cork

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@Thomas_Brady will have a lovely day out at it

If it was on in my back garden I’d pull the curtains.

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I’ll see you in Longboats, before and after mate

Munster reserves v South Africa reserves. I dont think it will sell out.

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Should be the second time the new Pairc Ui Chaoimh is filled to capacity after the Liam Miller testimonial.

Has never come close to capacity for a GAA match though.

I can’t see it ever selling out for a GAA game if the current farce of a structure is persisted with.

A Munster hurling final would be the only chance.

Cork v Tipp would be Pairc Ui Chaoimh but it could be a long time before that happens.

Cork v Limerick? Limerick would get the next final between the two I think?

Tipp v Limerick? Is there still a home and away agreement in place? I’m guessing the 2020 and 2021 clashes were only in Cork because of the pandemic.

Tipp v Waterford maybe but with the round robin it’ll be a long time before those two meet in a final again.

Tipp v Clare used to go to Cork but Limerick seems the preferred venue now.

Any other pairing is Thurles.

The split season has a lot to answer for. Cork will have as many hurling championship games in PuC as the stags in 2022

Will the Pork be able to accommodate the 500000 Limericks who will have been at it if Munster win?

Id say a Tipp v Limerick final would be in Thurles. 19 was in the gg