National Gaelic Football League 2018

Full back very hesitant there, let Andrews have that ball on the edge of the square.

Donegal very hesitant and stand offish on the ball played into the Dublin full forward line, they need to get far more aggressive there.

Basquel missses a very handy free.

What phone have you got?? Download Mobdro it’s on there.

Super score from Lowndes.

These northern team are pure shite so far this year…

It’s the league.

Captain fucking obvious

It’s a bit early to be making snap judgements.

I prefer not to watch matches on my phone.

Watching on this now anyway.

Brian Fenton is the best player in the game at the moment.

They will be shite too come championship

Shitter than Galway?

I doubt it.

Surely Donegal have a right footed player who can hit that?

That was shite from McBrearty

Same shite out off ya…
Northern teams play horrible football… And I use the term play very loosely…

At least Galway come out and play nice attacking football.gave Tyrone and donegal a lesson already this year

Galway play horrible football and have done under Kevin Walsh’s reign.

As I said, it’s the league.

Galway are without a football championship win in Croke Park for 17, yes 17, years.

Anyone have a decent stream for this?

GAA streams aren’t easy to find

I wasn’t on about Galway you simpleton…

I was saying how poor and shite northern football is and has been for a really long time…

Says it all really when Galway showed both ofvthem up already this year.

All Tyrone could resort too was thuggery and scumbag behaviour… Wouldn’t expect anything less from the cunts