National Hurling League 2015


Clare are a mess. Will take them a couple of years to rebuild.

Davy could be in his way out.

Nice one. Not as good a performance as last week though.

Ball into space destroying kk all game and a chance with the last puck they bate it straight in down on top of the full back. You wouldn’t see that out of limerick even.

Get in!!! Never in doubt

[QUOTE=“ProjectX, post: 1114773, member: 1742”]
Clare are a mess.[/QUOTE]
You’d be well qualified to recognise it tbf

Stupid mistake from Pa Kelly but a lot of positives from that game.
Nice game for the time of year.

P.Kelly should be fucking shot for that hand pass at the end.
That has to be one of the single most retarded things I’ve ever seen in sport.

Could do with Kelly and O’Donnell going off on a J1 this summer.

[QUOTE=“Distended Red Anus, post: 1114780, member: 2648”]P.Kelly should be fucking shot for that hand pass at the end.
That has to be one of the single most retarded things I’ve ever seen in sport.[/QUOTE]
Do you really believe that? I could name about half a dozen worse off top of my head.

Clare will destroy Limerick.

Terrible call from Kelly at the end. Just tossed the ball out into no-man’s land. He is not a confident guy.

Have you ever met him or played against him? Arrogance in buckets.

Yes, we had been expecting a walkover in the Munster QF.

Today confirmed how poor Clare are. Worst thing for them is that they were taking the league seriously.

Can Clare appeal the result given that they lost by a point and one of the Kilkenny points went wide?

[QUOTE=“Bad Winner, post: 1114779, member: 2406”]Stupid mistake from Pa Kelly but a lot of positives from that game.
Nice game for the time of year.[/QUOTE]

Wouldn’t be blaming Kelly, we coughed up another 4 or 5 points in similar circumstances. O’Donovan had the measure of Johnjoe Farrell but coughed up three scores with awful short passes

[QUOTE=“ProjectX, post: 1114794, member: 1742”]Yes, we had been expecting a walkover in the Munster QF.

Today confirmed how poor Clare are. Worst thing for them is that they were taking the league seriously.

Clare played very well today.

Didn’t seem to be lacking in spirit and motivation anyway.

They’ll go close to winning the All Ireland.

Pat O’Connor is a far far superior sweeper than Pat Donnellan, got on loads of ball and always in the right position and uses it far better.

Walter Walsh’s hands:eek::smiley:

Clare threw the kitchen sink at it today and lost. They are fucked

[QUOTE=“ProjectX, post: 1114794, member: 1742”]Yes, we had been expecting a walkover in the Munster QF.

Today confirmed how poor Clare are. Worst thing for them is that they were taking the league seriously.
I presume you’re new to the sport, there can be no other explanation for your posts.

:slight_smile: was praying that we would win by a point just to piss you off, delighted for ya :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: