
Once the brother storyline went away too Iā€™ve found it much better.

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Youā€™re bang on the money about cartel side being more interesting but Jimmyā€™s does get better again when it transects with the cartel.

Brilliantly written.

It would be a great show if Jimmy wasnā€™t in it.

With shows being pulled left, right and centre for anything that could be possibly construed as racist, it was almost an anachronism in itself to see Life on Mars appear amongst my recommendations. I didnā€™t realise it was on Netflix, maybe itā€™s only recently been added.

I rarely rewatch anything these days, but I had to dive in. Gene Hunt. :rofl:

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The most recent season is excellent, and by far the best. A few of the earlier seasons were a bit of work to get into.

[quote=ā€œAmbrose_McNulty, post:3706, topic:15425ā€]

By God. Epic stuff. Not even a mention of Catherine ā€¦a series or three all on her own.

Enjoying this so thanks for recommending flatty. Any idea why subtitles are so off or a way of fixing it?

Dunno. They were fine for me. Could it be a WiFi issue?
You definitely need to go into the settings, and make sure itā€™s on English, not ccEnglish or Englishcc.
You need to do this for each episode.

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Thanks flatty. They are wildly inaccurate for me on English. Perhaps something to do with Cambodian Netflix.

I suspect it must be that.
Thatā€™s a right shame as itā€™s a good programme. Brilliant at the start, dips a bit in the middle, and excellent at the end. Itā€™s probably an episode too long, like almost everything on Netflix, who would have dragged the arse out of Chernobyl and roont it.

You could try downloading it. They might match up better. Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve done. They seem to switch from Hindi to English mid sentence sometimes. That doesnā€™t make it any easier. Worthy the effort all the same.

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They do. Apparently that is quite common in parts of Indian society.

Conny society too


Thatā€™s only for the grant

Saul and Mike struggling through the desert together had hints of a possible influence from the classic Pine Barrens (Sopranos season 3)

Ha! Very true. Pauly and Christopher fighting over the ketchup satchets!

And for an interior decorator, your manā€™s apartment looked like shit


I almost started Sopranos again from start for 4th time Sunday evening. Read about the prequel movie due out later in the year and thought it be well worth a start again particularly given likely tie in more with some of the earlier season stories.

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Iā€™ve done it about 6 times iā€™d say ā€¦ I just watch random episodes now evrey now and again ā€¦ same with the wire.

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Yeah thereā€™s the 24/7 channels of both on the IPTV Iā€™d throw on. But,.much like the TFK run, itā€™s the committing and then dedicating myself from start to finish Iā€™m looking into.

PS Howraā€™s ma died over the weekend