
After two episodes it doesn’t seem to be going anywhere unfortunately…


DNA is decent.

You’re in for some treat. Probably the greatest ending to any series ever as well.


I’ve season 1 ready to go. Plan to start it when I come back from my trip to the mid west

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Came highly recommended.

First episode down.


At least 2 episodes too long so it turns poor by the end.


Sat through all six episodes.
I have to say it was the worst thing I’ve seen in a long while.


Exactly right. Two episodes two long, but my word, they are the vilest people I’ve ever seen on telly.


Gonna give this a whirl now…


Heard good things

Ah lads, that’s a great watch. 70 minutes* flies by. Very much in the 30 for 30 style, I knew nothing of that Pacers team. Steven Jackson is one crazy fucker you want by your side. Hung out to dry by the league.

*You won’t see a good flake thrown in the 70.


Episode 2 in the series on Bruce Jenner now showing.

The Defeated is well worth a watch.Really good.


‘I Think You Should Leave with Tim Robinson’ is a bonkers enough sketch show. I’m laughing though.

Yeah I’m enjoying it.

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Watched it earlier and found it all a bit of a bore, must deffo watch malice in the palace though

The Jenner one was ok, but obviously lacked the intensity of the first. I enjoyed the walk through of the decathalon in Montreal. He knew he had it sewn up when he was in 3rd spot with his favoured events to come. I didn’t realise what an elite and obsessive athlete he was.

Third one is out now.

Don’t know much about the story but they’ve been good watches so far so will give it a spin.

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I started this yesterday evening. Bizarre but hilarious at the same time. Wouldn’t be everyones cup of tea.

Yep, I’d agree with that summation. There’s a nice bit of awkward humour in it.

Episodes are super short as well. Couple of the sketches here.

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The college professor one with the burger and the fedora with the safari bit on it made me genuinely laugh out load