
I remember he used come on the old multi channel box at 2am for hours drawing landscapes without an effort, just scraping. He was a legend


It was almost hypnotic to watch

He’d a real chilled out voice too, he was a like a man did a lot of lsd in his day

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The trailer doesn’t whet the appetite a whole pile. I wonder how much it will delve into the various controversies in his career. If they are trying to make a story out of it I’m guessing the focus will be on his 1996 - 2000 years at Ferrari.

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I didn’t read that but have read other articles. I presume she says nothing about his condition. Why such secrecy?

I think she says he’s there but he’s not there so it does seem he’s in a vegetative state.


I loved that scene. :rofl:

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Anyone watching The Defeated?

Set in post WW2 Berlin, apart from @Tim_Riggins’ woeful Noo Yawk accent it’s been interesting


She’s tried to lead a private life and he tried to lead a private life. She’s probably been beating back vultures and low lifes trying to make money off the story for the better part of a decade and id say the medical bills are piling up. She’s probably trying to do it and maintain some dignity.

She seems like a special person

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For all the LoL fans out here.

The Serpent. 6/10

Has anyone watched squid game?
I really enjoyed it,I’m saying nothing about it but I’d deffo recommend it!

Was going to start it last night. Looks decent

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Sounds like an U18 job?

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5 episodes into Clickbait. It’s ok, 6.5/7 out of 10 so far.