
A few episodes into Squid Game and promising so far.

Also a decent looking documentary series called Bad Sport released on Wednesday about scandals and crimes in sports. One of them is on the Juve match fixing I think

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Not sure about that.I wouldnā€™t like to be in that situation, personally speaking.

Cian Lynch would be the man for that-He would Judo throw the cunt out through the front doors of the chapel,no bother.

I enjoy the Korean movies but I didnā€™t find that Trilogy much good to be honest. The films arenā€™t really related. The first one was good alright. I couldnā€™t grasp Oldboy, either the Korean one or the remake. The third was more or less a horror which I donā€™t like either.

Is Squid Game a comedy or what?

The original Oldboy was first class. Warped viewing the Koreans do well with a good storyline and mad twists

Far from it.

I think itā€™s a porno.

It has some moments of dark humour

Itā€™s the follow-up to Banzai that used to be on Channel 4.

Except you didnā€™t die if you incorrectly guessed what combination of fruit and vegetables weighed the same as Pete Bealeā€™s testicles.

On episode seven of The Defeated. Itā€™s excellent. Thereā€™s one horrific scene with a nazi lady but otherwise itā€™s not too bad graphic wise.

Lots of other stuff lined up but Iā€™ll give it a go. Looks like a long winterā€¦ā€¦

Itā€™s one of the best things Iā€™ve watched in a while.

I see Chapelle has a new special out. Thatā€™s tonightā€™s viewing sorted.

Seems to be more popularly known as Shadowplay if anybody is looking for it.

Watched the first episode of Squid Game. Enjoyable. Will stick with it.

As a matter of interest do the fine members watch it in Korean with the English subtitles? Or just in English without the subtitles?

I normally watch these foreign shows in the native language, with the English subtitles.

Korean with the English subtitles.


Subtitled with the native language or forget about it!


In Korean with English subtitles.

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The actor playing Mocada nails this scene, the venom in his delivery through the Spanish language would be completely lost in a dubbing and this is just a single scene in one show.

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