
Security starring Antonio Banderas.

Glorious cheesey braindead action

Moneyball is a good ol watch


I watched about 15 minutes of squid game and now netflix thinks iā€™m korean and is throwing me out fucking bonkers suggestions

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Some of the Korean stuff is great.
Squid game is dreadful. At least 5 hours too long.**

ā€œā€ I abandoned after watching the first 3 episodes largely on fast forward.


Squid game is sensational.

I finished it last night. Squid Game is OK, just about worth watching. Far better than the usual Western Netflix dirge. Contrived but no more than any other Netflix show. I didnā€™t feel like it was stretched out unnecessarily, which was a pleasant change.

Ah, but would you watch series two?

Hmmā€¦ Iā€™d probably try to avoid it but if I ended up watching it wouldnā€™t be the end of the world.

Just finished the ā€˜marblesā€™ episode last night - twas edge of the seat stuff.


Iā€™ll not be going back to it.

Three episodes into this one. Its very enjoyable and well done so far.

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Just finished this there. Sweet mother of divine Jesus.

I wouldnā€™t mind but there was a half decent show going for the first four episodes.

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Ah twas cat altogether. Iā€™m annoyed now again thinking about it

Bonoā€™s daughters a headmelt

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Like her feckin da so


I have somehow dodged all the media hype and news about this squid show. I honestly no nothing about it only itā€™s korean and ā€œeveryone is talking about itā€ apparently. I might as well not bother and be hipster about it.


You Season 3 just finished it there top top notch

There are sod all new shows worth watching at the minute. Iā€™m back watching Letterkenny. Again.

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Great show.

Squid Show is worth a look.

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