
Taboo with Dan Hardy finally up there. Enjoyable 6 part show, dark and violent

A supremely confident gobshite. Is he president yet?

Cc @Thomas_Brady

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Netflix starting to clamp down on the cheapskates.

I’d go so far as to put this in the Onrale category. Something very therapeutic about it. Maybe it’s the era and the diction.

Can’t believe they haven’t got around to a second series yet. Hopefully the netflix exposure puts more pressure on the Beeb to get it done.

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wha gwan!

Top Boy is back :clap:


Yes fam!

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Brilliant :+1:

Juvenile Justice is better than the average Netflix dross.
First episodes are eerily reminiscent of the boy a and b case in some ways.

Anyone watched this?

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Yep decent watch all round

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Poor Hansie

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Saw it few years ago. It’s decent

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The music industry tried this 40 plus years ago. “Home taping is killing music” :skull_and_crossbones:

They weren’t wrong

They’re urinating in the breeze again the irresistible march of iptv surely. Whatever about the vagaries of live sport, series and movies are usually flawless.

Hunt for Red October. Must be 30 years since I seen it. Watched it other night - still very good


One ping only

Sensational blud

Absolutely sensational

Finished it last night. Thought it a very good season. Perhaps too many storylines at once but very good overall.