New England captain

capello is naming this during the week and it seems like it could be rio ferdinand…hope he gets it, even though he as his detracters i would rate rio very highly as a footballer and is an excellent reader of the game…capello said it is between 2 candidates…between him and gerrard i would say…

Yup-Puke has definitely lost it.

Puke has indeed definitely lost it. Why would anyone give a shit who the England captain’s going to be?

rio ferdidnad is a fine footballer…was superb at leeds and has been good for united…don’t think there are many better centre halves in europe…name me 5 better and i will gladly retract my statement…

The captains armband is as useful as a woman with a strap on, it looks good but its fucking pointless and the person wearing it usually doesn’t have a fucking clue what they’re doing.

Does it?

To her I’m sure it does. Its all about penis envy.

In no particular order

Richard Dunne

You’ve lost it Puke!

thought htis was going to be a thread about the New England Patriots captain for the forthcoming American Football season, but I suppose its not too bad to see another thread with the Puke losing it. Rio a fine footballer?

[quote=“Locke”]In no particular order

Richard Dunne

You’ve lost it Puke![/quote]

i will give you vidic and cannavaro but ferdinand was miles better than terry last season…dunne is a great centre half but wouldn’t rate him higher than rio while cannavaro was average at best any time i saw him for madrid over the last 2 seasons granted he was superb in the world cup but that was 2 years ago…

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Blubberboy John terry has been announced as new England captain.

He’s a prick.

[quote=“The Runt”]Blubberboy John terry has been announced as new England captain.

He’s a prick.[/quote]

was he not captain anyway?

[quote=“The Runt”]Blubberboy John terry has been announced as new England captain.

He’s a prick.[/quote]

Ha brilliant, a cunt for a bunch of cunts.

fucking hell that must be the first time ever that sky sports news has got it wrong…they said yesterday it was as good as rio’s…

Maybe Rio merc’d Fabio last night.

Apologies, he was and still is.

Tears win prizes.

[quote=“The Runt”]Apologies, he was and still is.

Tears win prizes.[/quote]

no need for apologies, just dont know what the big huu haa was about the next England captain, when nothing has changed. Typical sky sports I suppose tho, making mountains out of molehills.

so is the game going to be ‘super captain terry’s first game under cappello night’ or some other type blockbuster logo that they can splash around and get the attention of everyone?

oh, and he is a grade A cunt.


oh, and he is a grade A cunt.[/quote]


Who cares who gets it out of the two of them, they’re both a pr!cks. Terry for his spitting last season and Rio for missing his drugs test and then having the cheek to hold United to ransom for a massive contract, something everyone seems to forget happening lately. And to think these guys are successors to men like Bobby Moore, enough to make one sick.