New jersey in GAA

The black chest and shoulders was used a couple of years back. Fine design, the collar makes it.

Careful now, you’ll set the podder-loving Laois man off…

Yeah there have been a few variations with an all- black section at the top, I think this is the biggest it’s been though.

Yet another terrible Kilkenny design.

The Kilkenny jersey is the most abused in the GAA.

A Kilkenny jersey should have a white collar and cuffs and a white square on the back containing the shirt number. This should be a rule passed at the GAA Congress.



A GAA jerseys without a collar is like a cork man with an inferiority complex, just doesnt work.

No. Our colours are probably the happiest colours on the spectrum, purple and gold, and they haven’t bet us the last 2 years.

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Didn’t like the black top bit the last time twas tried, don’t like it now.
Sponsors on the sleeve? What are we, a mexican soccer team?
Stripes still too wide.

Three stripes over the shoulder - good.

No collar - bad.

Watermark - questionable.

Red sponsor - AWFUL.

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There’s a GAA club in New Jersey called Jersey Shore GAA Club.
This is their new jersey.

As fitting a thread as any to post it in.

No collar.


We’d usually have daycent jerseys but that sponsor eyesore is horrendous.

Tullogher does a better job on the club jersey than the county does


Your man is a ringer for a young Martin comeford

Yep, I genuinely can’t remember the last bad one Monaghan had

More black and yellow than black and amber I’d say. Camross have it nailed, collar as well


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Sure we’re all related

not sure about the blurred merging set up. That didnt go so well when Gaelic Gear tried it, albeit not a bad as that.

They might as well have gone the whole hog and had a picture of Curracloe beach along with the horizon lines.

No collar.

obviously this years O’Neills trademark mass produced design

Seems so, bit much to hope someone somewhere would have an original thought.