New jersey in GAA

The Derry one is not bad to be fair - mostly because they haven’t fucked around with it adding swishes, swooshes, hexagons etc like some wannabe My Little Pony animator

Fucking hell, you’ve seen rugby jerseys right? Shiny?!

I like the new Limerick home one,best effort in years!

Yep. They’re increasingly getting worse and worse. It’s a pity because the Canterbury ones from about 15 years ago were lovely.

Who’s the ginger Limerick player?

[quote=“TreatyStones, post: 869208, member: 1786”]Limerick home one is poor.
I like the blue/black one[/quote]
Yeah not as nice as this years.

Sub keeper Aaron Murphy


The new Waterford jersey is very nice.However i think the new Limerick jersey isn’t as nice as the one they were wearing this year.

New Donegal kit is very very decent

[quote=“myboyblue, post: 883080, member: 180”]New Donegal kit is very very decent[/quote]
The ref is like something that escaped from the county home for the day.

Is the black card just the wallet that holds the other cards so? Do they not get an actual black card?

There has been a black card for a number of years. They have just redefined it. Normlly it was for a foul that wasn’t deemed a yellow or for persistent fouling and the ref would flash the note book as opposed to having an actual card

Thats how it used to be under the ‘ticking’ system that but am pretty sure I saw a pic of 3 cards somewhere on sportsfile, I’ll have a look.

It’s just the wallet that will be used.


A real burden and additional expense at this time of year for referees who have brown leather wallets.

[quote=“myboyblue, post: 883129, member: 180”]Correct[/quote]

“Fucking cold out there lads - surely to fuck we don’t have to go out in that.”