New York City

Has this happened before?

When are people going to wake up to global warming?

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No, I read it’s the worst air a quality since 9/11 and then the 1960’s before that

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How long do they reckon it will last?

its called weather, a bit of fog or Mexican dust ffs


Hearing into Friday, I’m playing golf Saturday so I’m hoping that’s the case

With that kind of dust ots global coolong we need to worry about

Not too bad hopefully you wont have the dust to blame for a lost ball

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Last one, Citi Field at 2:30 in the day

Beautiful, nature is incredible

Would remind you of the start of Die Hard with a Vengeance

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One of the top 5 movies of all time.

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Stunning :heart_eyes:

I can see it.

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Can you barely see it?

In the 4.5bn years of the planet’s history? No. Never. It’s the first time wild fires have ever spread smoke.


Humans are funny

everything is a “crisis” these days with social media