News stories that people should probably care about but in reality don't give a shit about

She’s probably a rugby fan

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It’s the details. The little shoes. The shorts and t shirt. The little boy haircut. The theft of so much potential life when a child dies.

It is one of the most powerful photos I have ever seen.


it’s incredible photojournalism, my young fella is the fking image of him, it shook me to my literal core i can tell you, i had to go up and check him in the bed last night
this photo tho will not have any impact in the middle east where the value put on human life is not as great as we do in europe, it didnt even make Haaretz in Israel, the majority of the Arab press wouldnt have a reason to publish it as the situation is well known and accepted… Assad couldnt give 2 fucks either, the same nations that publish the picture want him dead, why should he care
The flking middle east s out of control, america isnt bombing so no one will protest against it, the Arabs are fucking ungovernable and will destroy themselves, there can and never will be democracy in Syria, what you see now is democracy in action over there, the nature of an arab means that those in opposition must fight, those in power must literally rule… Assad is now ruling against a squabbling opposition, there is no endgame in sight, he will never leave
look at egypt, the greatest clusterfuck of a country, Mpubarak held it togther, Gadaffi attaempted to do the same with libya, now the whole place is a power vacuum run by warlords and islamic exstremism is an easy option for disaffected youth as it gives them status, respect and a cause
it is going to get very worse, the people are going to keep coming, that photo yesterday was great news for those at Budapest train station, did they weep for that poor kid? you can be damn fucking sure they didnt, that photo is their boarding pass to europe

There are outrageous comments that we value life more than middle easterns

they might sound outrageous and to a western mindset they are but in the middle east they’re not


It’s simply horrific

I honestly don’t know what to say about this, everything sounds very hollow. Tried to explain it all to my 12 year old this morning. Failed miserably, but he said “so there’s no way to solve this without a lot of people getting hurt”. Got it in one. His opinion of adults is taking a thrashing at the moment.

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This is one of the strands. Hand wringing will solve nothing, and , and I would emphasise that I am not arguing either way here, uncontrolled mass immigration will splinter the EU when the reality becomes apparent to the natives. Lads on Joe Duffy saying they would take absolute strangers into their home. That would soon wear thin.
The west needs to accept that currently , Arab nations seem to lend themselves best to autocracy, just as mickee says, and forcing Haliburton democracy down their throats won’t work. The world was run, for a crucial decade by idiots (gwb) and vultures (Blair) and sycophants (insert leader of your choice).

Have to say that picture hit home hard yesterday to a lot of people.

But how to solve the problem, Europe now has refugees trying to get in on its Eastern border and on the Southern borders in the Med.

If you look at the state of the refugee system in Ireland “Direct Provision” its a mess. People sent to live in direct provision hovels, Not allowed to apply for work, live on €19 a month and have to wait 10+ years before their request for asylum is heard. Is that anyway to treat these poor people? Maybe we should get the direct provision bit sorted first and then take in these people.

Listening to Newstalk coming in and they were talking about the picture yesterday and Yates turns around and says could this be the answer to the rural depopulation that we take in the refugees and then send to abandoned housing estates in the middle of nowhere.

What can be done to stop the root cause of these people fleeing their homes. Countries are wary now of getting involved in disputes in the middle east after the cock ups in Iraq and Afghanistan. What side do they aid? All sides are as bad as each other and no matter who you help you know that the fuckers are going to turn on you at the drop of a hat. These poor folks are caught up in the middle with nowhere to go but to the safety of Europe.