Next Celtic Manager

Harmless banter . A cockney about scotch soccer .

Great shout.

Has Popcorn Teeth been sacked yet?

That’ll be a “no” then.


He is a precious wanker.

Celtic are being held to a higher standard than Love Island celebs and Instagram influencers tbf.

Lennon should run for FG in the next general election.



I like @thedancingbaby , like him a lot but his constant use of air quotes is irritating

Here’s the air quotes.

The Celtic Twitter account hasn’t tweeted the manager press conference quotes. They must even realise he’s gone off the reservation a bit.

surely after fucking away the 10 should have them feeling a bit “negative”

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What barrage of hypocrisy?
Were the SNP out in Dubai on the piss also?

good tweet from mcglone

@padjo can you explain to @thedancingbaby who matt mcglone is

Neil Lennon is having a mental breakdown.

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The whole squad is negative bar two players he says like it’s some sort of achievement :joy:


Popcorn Teeth needs to go.

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Text rumour doing the rounds. In fairness the SNP are dirty, cheating orange bastards.

Does anyone watch Celtic state of mind on youtube?

That’s incorrect surely?

Didn’t they have a knockout win in Glasgow over Lincoln Red Imps from Gibraltar a few years ago after losing the first leg 1-0 in Gibraltar?