Next Celtic Manager

Qualifiers don’t count

They’re knock out games surely? If you lose them you’re out of the tournament.

Nope, you aren’t in the tournament unless you win them


You’re over complicating things. Was the meeting of Glasgow Celtic v Lincoln Red Imps Gibraltar in 2016 knock out or not?


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That’s not the question I asked. Was it knock out?

no, it was a qualifier knock out - not a european competition

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So we’ve established that this meeting in 2016 between the domestic champions of 2 of the members of the 50 odd UEFA was a knock out affair.

Lincoln Red Imps Gibraltar were out of the premier European competition when they lost it just like Glasgow Celtic would have been if they were the loser.

Sounds like Glasgow Celtic have had knock out wins in European competition since 2004.

nope, my point stands


Poor ol Dan

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Are you a bit slow?

It was a qualifier.

You’d better pick it up with @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy. He was the one who made the initial sweeping statement that Glasgow Celtic hadn’t won a European knock out game since 2004. When I pointed out to him that Glasgow Celtic
had in fact knocked Lincoln Red Imps from Gibraltar out of the European Cup in 2016, he suddenly introduced this caveat that qualifiers don’t count.

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So it was in a qualifier? Well obviously that doesn’t count. Ireland wont be playing in euro 2020/21 but they played in loads of qualifiers, including a knockout qualifier against Slovakia.


Stick a fork in Neil Lennon, he is done.

You have been told it was a qualifier but you seem a bit too obtuse to notice the difference.

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You reckon?

Call it a Qualifier, Finals Tournament, Super 8, repechage whatever you want that doesn’t change the fact that it was a knock out tie in the 2016/17 European Cup. When Glasgow Celtic faced up to Lincoln Red Imps from Gibraltar, the simple equation was the winners of the tie advanced and still had a shot at winning the European Cup that season, the losers were out. That’s knock out soccer when the loser doesn’t have another day out and is out of the tournament.

Gas cunts :smiley:


(is that red imps a real team? Hardly is)

It’s sad to see the Glasgow Celtic fans denigrating the wonderful old knock out tournament that was created in the mid 1950’s for the domestic champions of the various constituent UEFA federations. It’s seemingly not part of the tournament now when you have domestic champions from federations like Scotland and Gibraltar facing off in a knock out tie. It’s presumably only the ‘Champions League’ when we have the 2nd, 3rd and 4th placed teams from ‘Big 5’ or ‘Big 6’ leagues playing off in non knock out mini groups.

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