Next Celtic Manager

Damien Duff?


He has zero managerial experience which in football seems to be considered a plus.
Rafa is favourite but he’d want a few bob you’d imagine

You lads are gas. Touting all manner of candidates when the new Bainestóir will be…

Drum roll…

Jim McGuinness…


Martinez and Maloney

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As soon as the pubs were announced open he resigns.

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John Kennedy the 8/13 fav.


Thank fuck for that

With Lennon as his assistant probably :roll_eyes:


How could they possibly consider Kennedy even remaining in the first team set up nevermind making him the main man is beyond me. I’m sure he will see the season out but he should be gone then.

New manager who needs full autonomy over his backroom team.

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Scott Brown as player manager for continuity.

Jim Goodwin

Resigned, fell on his sword if you will. A noble act from a nobleman. Can’t manage for nuts but noble non the less.

Or her

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Brendan Rodgers please.

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Better chance of SAF

Neil Lennon has finally saw sense, a few months late but its done.

Now its up to he Celtic board to make the right decision…nothing can go wrong there.

Were the words “by mutual consent used “ ??

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They weren’t used in the statement to the Stock Exchange.