Next Celtic Manager

Jim Goodwin from Tramore, also played for Celtic. He has the maddest accent I’ve heard in a long time a cross between Waterford and Scottish

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He should cut his teeth at a job like Celtic before taking on the Irish role.

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Getta outta Town buoy - that’s a superb accent, what a mash up ; cc @Locke


The Glasgow Celtic hipsters want some continental type who doesn’t speak English, yet alone Scotch English.


Derek McInnes is now available

Is Jim one for the hair transplants thread, or was he more shaved head than baldy headed in his playing days?

Shaver I think, hiding the premature greying perhaps. A real silver fox!

Was by a freak of coincidence having a very enjoyable chat with a dyed in the wool Hun this morning at Rochdale. Was very knowledgeable about football and Scottish football in general. He reckoned Yogi didn’t have the gravitas for the Celtic job.
He said the club was clearly run these days as an afterthought by distant owners.
Ex pro himself, and sevco season ticket holder all his life.

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It’s frustrating as fuck, but it appears that Desmond only takes proactive/ambitious/decisive action in response to the huns.

When they beat us on penalties under Ronny Deila in the cup semi final (before that glorious Hibees cup final win), the story went that the huns directors/executives were more than exuberant and less than gracious in their celebrations. So Desmond went and hired Brendan Rodgers.

I don’t know if the huns winning the league will prompt him to charge the new CEO with hiring the best manager possible. It would be very disappointing if Kennedy or somebody of that ilk gets it, without us really pushing the boat out.

Going over old ground here, but just doing enough to stay ahead of the huns was a shocking indictment on the board. They needed to show real ambition, invest and mark ourselves against progressive European clubs from similarly small leagues.

The risk with that non-strategy was that a shift in a few variables could see the balance of power tilt and that’s now happened. It was sheer laziness, complacency and lack of ambition on Celtic’s part.

We have plenty of monetary resources, European football, excellent facilities and a bit of history and prestige. Despite the limitations of the SPL itself, the overall package should be more than enough to attract a high quality manager. If we can be arsed.


Has Desmond invested anything in Celtic in 20 odd years?

He is meant to be worth 2.2bn. Hopefully he fucks off.

The clubs needs a capital injection of about 50m to attract a new manager, retain key players and add first team performers. It’s long overdue.

Of course there is little chance of that happening under Desmond but it is well within the remit of Celtic to be a force in European football.

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As plausible as that story sounds from the semi final that year, you’d worry would this really have the same effect on DD given hes probably barely watched any matches this year wherever hes been staying, it would appear it got to him that day as it was hun directors doing it in his face. The holy grail of 10IAR only seemed to matter to one set of stakeholders at Celtic going on the last year

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Our insider is saying it’s to be Kennedy but I can’t see that being the case.

Generally Desmond has someone in mind long before the appointment. He had enquired about O’Neill well in advance. He had been openly talking to Strachan. Lennon they had brought back in for similar reasons. Even Deila seemed out of left field but had long been earmarked as part of the talks with Lennon and Keane for a role in the club.

I’d say Desmond would love to give it to Keane but that’s highly unlikely.

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I suppose you’ll spend next season defending Kennedy and the board if he gets it.

Desmond to me seems to use ownership of Celtic like a pretty girl on his arm, to be seen with on special occasions, and every now and to adorn her with a new bauble which reflects well on him, but he generally has little interest in her personality or home life.

Has the “review “ been done yet ???

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Desmond bought Celtic as investment. He expected 6 or 7 years down the line that they would have been allowed into the riches of the EPL and his investment would have soared 7 or 8 times what he paid for it.

He is not interested in putting any money into the club, just holding it an in investment asset that may rise in value over time.

Hopefully the Celtic Trust will be successful in mobilising fans and forcing changes at boardroom level.


To be fair, that’s true of pretty much any owner of any football club. They all do it as investments. Those who put money in want interest on that and then want their money back plus any growth when they sell.

Even a “great benefactor” like David Murray completely screwed the huns when he was exiting.

Fan ownership would be a better model. Though nothing is ever straightforward. That David Low chap who heads up the Celtic Trust would give Lennon a 10 year contract tomorrow if he was in charge.

I wouldn’t say that’s true it all most of them invest significant amounts of money in them and do not make anything.

Look at Abramovich and Chelsea, most EPL owners. Look at Rangers with share dilutions.

Most of them do it for their own ego, the prestige of being associated with a successful team. How many billionaires do you know who have their net worth due to sports club ownership.

Celtic are one of the few clubs in Europe with a billionaire owner who doesn’t care about the on field matters and successes in the club and only cares about harvesting it for his own financial benefit.


David Murray was much worse than that. Much worse.