Next Celtic Manager

I want any manager in now.

Its not his team and the season has long been since written off, so pressure is off and manager has nothing to lose. Let him analyse the players and see what bounce he can get, huns aren’t anything special, we should have beaten them the last two games. Two chances now to beat them, lets get this show on the road and can reassess then by the Summer

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Would you take Stevie Gerrard?

That reads wrong :rofl:

A new manager thats available currently and been decided upon should be brought in now. I don’t see the merit in holding off until the Summer


Why mate? Genuine question.

I would assume to give him time to get things in order in the background. There will be probably be at least 7/8 players there now not going to be involved next season.

I actually thought the team looked quite hungry and eager to impress on Saturday with the news in light.

Fulvio has more or less answered it.

Conflicting interests really I guess. Does he try and impress this season or just ignore it and play guys who will be here next year? Does he lose support if we end the season badly even though we’ve been poor all year? If the huns beat us twice is he undermined? I don’t see us being as patient with Howe as the huns were with Gerrard.

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Here’s a major problem. The next manager has to be given time. Obviously he needs to get the team performance headed in the right direction, but it looks like it’s major surgery rather than a nip and tuck that’s needed.

Bit of both for me @Rocko . He’ll have to use some players this year anyway and can take a look/ decide on others. Just to clarify I don’t mean a manager should be hired for the sake of it now, but if its been decided upon already on say Howe, I think given he’s available now we should get him in and have a crack at it now. As opposed to learning the ropes in the European qualifiers

They won’t be far away next season. Was watching Callum McGregor when he came on for the Scots v Israel and he is a really tidy player.

Could see him and Edouard being much,much better next season. They’ll surely have to spend a few bob now

they won’t be far away ffs, they’ll win the league

Well it’s only a two horse race

Ya, realised it just there how stupid it read. They’ll win the league next season was what I meant to say

Would David Moyes be on £2mill a year? That kind of money would tempt him.

My view is that if Howe is the man then get him in straight away. I know this season has been a shit show but I think he should have enough about him to get to work and generate improvement quickly. I don’t like the idea that he needs protecting and we should be overly concerned about early setbacks because of the situation he’d be coming into. It seems a bit fearful. A good Celtic manager should fear no cunts.

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Lawwell must want to show him where the biscuit tin is before he goes.

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Or doesn’t find it before the start of the CL…no point changing the way things were…

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Any white smoke emerging?

What are sources in Glasgow, Dublin, Isle of Man, Didsbury, Derry and Ratoath saying, bhoys?

Nowt here.

I’ve decided that I’d like Bielsa more than any other manager alive to take over though.

Hes not sold on it so and keeping his options