Niall Breslin - Carrying the hopes of a nation

How the weight of media pressure and online bullying nearly became too much, that was until he discovered a new training plan, which he will share with you for a monthly subscription of just €100.


A discussion on mental to an audience, the vast majority of which, will be out of their minds on MDMA and various other substances. :grinning:

It’s next Tuesday morning they will need the discussion on mental health.


I found myself nodding along in agreement as I read that

There could be some serious athletes in the audience, munching on their granola and protein shakes mate. Anyone want to speculate wildly on the cunts who will be lined up for this?

I’ll start

Alan O Mara, Cavan Footballer
Niall McNamee Offaly Footballer

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I’d bet my house McNamee is there.

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McNamee would take that bet in a heartbeat, and then turn up.


That sweet sweet Electric Ireland money has opened up

I’m not giving that a view. In fairness he has well and truly nailed the market not the odious cunt

Bressie can go fuck himself if he thinks he can muscle his way into the gga and mental wellbeing. Plenty of them at it already. @Brimmer_Bradley, couple of lingering leg shots for you.

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I’m all over it @cmontofuck;

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They were fairly plugging that ‘Lust for Life’ carry on down at Electric Picnic

I’m going to ring liveline on Monday and expose Breslin.

Enough is enough.


I’d love if you did, pal.

I’m very tempted pal.

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All the material you need is in this thread.

Generally pricks. Fuckers who “ran” a marathon in five hours FFS sake.

Have spent some time with cunts who will try and tell me in detail about their training runs etc.

Anybody who has played or competed at any reasonably competitive level of sport never goes on about it and in fact are the opposite and downplay it.


How did you get on, pal?

Meanwhile, I see Brand Bressie is tapping into the Irish immigrant market now:

‘Humbled’, ‘Privileged’, ‘Honoured’.

How long before he starts using ‘Blessed’?


‘Gratitude’ is a real buzz word in this waffle industry now too.

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