Niall Breslin - Carrying the hopes of a nation

I mentioned Sadlier back at the start of this thread. He’s been at this for over 18 months now. Explaining the impact on his mental health of having to give up football due to injury and talking about his journey to build a second career in the media and as a psychotherapist. An inspiring story.

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What’s involved in becoming a physcotherapist I wonder?

I was being facetious old friend.

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I think the first step would be learning to spell it and you just take it from there then.


Another spoofer hitches his wagon


Ah fuck off.
I’m fucking sick of these lads.

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That Tedx thing is a Mecca for con-artists and bullshitters.


I’d nearly have a go myself at this stage


What do you want to know? At the minute you don;t need a degree tho most institutions look for one, but for freelance you don’t need one - You need to complete 50 hours of personal counselling, 20 hours of supervision with another counsellor and 100 hours counselling of clients - to complete a degree you do a mini thesis and another 200 hours client hours

Is Tedx different to Ted?

They’re more independent/hipster and run by locals I think. I have been partial to the odd TED radio hour on a Sunday on Newstalk but only if from a decent contributor on an interesting subject unlike the above.

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How did the Irish as a nation lose their bullshit detector?


This is what happens when you turn your back on organised religion and the Catholic Church. This pseudo science fills the spiritual vacuum.


I was just thinking that, per head of population, we seem to be more susceptible to this utter shite than anywhere else I can think of.
When did we get so soft?

Must be the recession and the self implosion of the RCC.

surely the recession would toughen you up?

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I suspect it was the tiger era that sowed the seeds.

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More than the Americans? Not a chance.

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Me ?? Yes . Others no .

A country that adopted a new religion on the basis of a vague shamrock metaphor has never had a well developed bullshit detector.