No Thread for Dundee United vs Celtic


ESPN seem to have tightened up - I’ve been looking for a link since just after kick-off to no avail. Playing shit again according to a couple of Celtic sites.

Bandage turn on TG4, it’d be right up your street…

Muck. Muck is what that is. Completely free header from a corner to concede a winner on 90 after being 1-0 up.

This is a full blown crisis now, I’m afraid.

Mowbray to go please. Wrong appointment most certainly and no point prolonging it

Saw the goals on the news there.
What shit “defending” for the two corners.

Bit of rarity too an Irishman scoring in a Glasgow Celtic game.

John Daly we salute you :clap:

When you’re being shown up in Europe, you can point the finger at the board. When you’re being shown up in the SPL, you can point the finger at the manager. I think that’s 9 wins in 22 games - it’s possibly worse than John Barnes’ record. :eek:

On the evidence of the season to date, Dundee United look a lot more likely than Celtic to challenge for the title.

This could very well be the season the old firm dominance is broken,the other clubs can smell blood.

this site doesnt allow the term old firm & there is no way Celtic or the huns wont win the league


[quote=“north county corncrake”]this site doesnt allow the term old firm & there is no way Celtic or the huns wont win the league

next[/quote]:guns: careful you Israeli.Old firm,old firm,old firm!