Nóirín O'Sullivan - Former Garda Commissioner

No she’s gone. An interim commissioner has been appointed afaik

Yep she is gone as of midnight. Makes you wonder what is coming down the line? Starting with the policing authority’s report next week.

Talk now of raising the salary to bring in an “outsider” I’d love to know what the salary guide is for say the New York police commissioner. In charge of roughly a 36000 strong force. So in theory, ypu could take that salary ( which I’m willing to bet is nowhere near 180k a year) and half it.
Hmmm mm. …

Some neck on her. Blaming all the inquiries and tribunals for eating up all her time when she’s the reason there are so many inquiries in the first place.

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She inherited none of the issues? A wonder callinan left at all

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Yes and no. There was a lot of shit left on her desk after Callanan left the gig.

FF will appoint the next commissioner

Paul Williams did a wonderful job batting for her this morning.

Was she not implicit in a lot of it as Asst Commissioner?

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Maybe you should find out the salary of the New York Police Commissioner before getting up on your soapbox

of course she was

She was an internal appointment who knew full well what was going on. She decided to continue Callinans’s work and blacken the name of McCabe as well as all the other sh!te that was going on. Refusing to answer questions and hiding behind the Tribunal as an excuse not to answer questions. She was bside Callinan when he made the “disgusting” remark.

Calm down Mike.

I’d imagine the salary of the New York police commissioner is higher than €180k a year


So it’s the same roughly?

I’ll ignore advice on how to behave from someone who smokes dope to suppress his emotions.

Yea give or take with well.over double the police force.

I don’t do drugs, Mike. Calm down.