Not another Trump thread, zzzzz

Yes, it is a mechanism for oppression, a very good description too I might say. ISIS etc are not following their scripture however, they are interpreting it to suit their own mental, distopian tendancies, something all successful oppressive religions do. Which would be all of them really.

There is no easy answer to that mate.

One contention I have with you assessment, is that it may be a brainwashed minority, but it is not tiny. In some places it may very well be close to a majority, as has been demonstrated when given access to democracy and free elections, as we’ve seen in Algeria (1990), Turkey (1995), Egypt (2012) for example, all of which returned fundamentalist parties and ended up in the Military stepping in a nullifying the elections. I’m not saying that everyone that voted for those parties would be willing to die as martyrs for their religion, but I would guess many, if not most, would be sympathetic to those that do.

But you only have to look at our own island. The largest party in N.Ire is a party founded by a fundamentalist Protestant bigot that looked on a segment of the population as quasi-subhuman and inferior. Once again, not all DUP voters were Johnny Adair types, buuuuuttttt privately…

But what attracts them to the ideology i wonder. While out of the plus one billion muslims its still going to be a minority you are right there is sizable support, especially in the arab world. Does such support exist in Bangladesh or Indonesia. They can’t all buy into the promise of pie in the sky can they? Are some societies more susceptible to, or agreeable to, rule by fundamentalists or religious fervour? Where you living mate btw

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Are ISIS not following scripture exactly as written, trying to preempt an apocalyptic endgame essentially. I linked an article before which said they were, and that the strict adherence would be their undoing. Ill try find it

Banning a religion would be a pretty Nazi-ish thing to do, wouldn’t you think? Has what happened to people of a particular religion under that regime taught you nothing?

Why do so many of you loons think the way to promote freedom is to be more like the Nazis?

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You’re the one who’s on record saying western lives are worth more than middle eastern or African ones, mate.

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Read back over what you’ve written here, but this time read it as a rhetorical statement.

It’ll lead you to finding a very large part of the answer, which most people with any understanding of history and the geopolitical situation in Arab countries already know.

Your talking shhhhhhhhhh

No more Nazi-ish (your definition, not mine) than banning any expressions of free speech. Most European countries have pretty strict laws on hate speech (unlike the US where free speech is constitutionally protected). Do you know how many people are in jails all over Europe for expressing “banned views” such as questioning certain aspects of the holocaust, blaming gays for the spread of AIDS, etc. Why is that acceptable but banning a poisonous religion isn’t? A religion that openly calls for the eradication of all non Muslims mind you.

Again, yours its a completely inappropriate analogy, but one lunatic lefties trot out regularly. The Nazis were racist cunts, plain and simple, to them the Aryan race were human and all other races subhuman (similar to how the British treated the Irish in the 19th century). The Jews happened to be the largest minority, but no one regarded as subhuman was spared. There should be no tolerance in civilized societies for hate speech towards any individual or group based on their race, color, sexual preference, anything based on their biological make up. Religion has/should have nothing to do with biology, its a set of beliefs, an ideology. However, some religions are fairly benign while others are openly intolerant, a bit like politics. Why do we ban white supremacists? Because we have seen what happened when their ideology took hold of a population. Why do muslims get a free pass to spread their intolerance?

That’s the question the left have to answer as currently its completely hypocritical to ban some expressions of “hate speech”, while allowing and protecting others. There is only one group today that can be realistically compared to the Nazis in terms of their intolerance of humans that are different to them, and that’s radical Muslims, and it stems directly from their religious ideology.

Would you class yourself as a white supremacist Labane?

Any human who values freedom and is tolerant of other humans regardless of their biological make-up is more valuable to the successful evolution of the human race than someone who doesn’t. I’ll let you figure out for yourself who the intolerant ones are and how dangerous their ideology is, and no they are obviously not all in the ME, even though that’s where the ideology is most prevalent.

Not in the slightest.

Hmmmmm :thinking:

Do you not realise ISIS are islamic supremacists and every bit as evil as the nazis?

don’t get it

What has that to do with anything?

Ive never seen you condemn them. So you agree? How do you propose they be dealt with?

You appear to have comprehension problems if you think I am advocating white supremacy. My opinion is that all hate speech should be banned, and that includes religions that preach hate. Lefties like yourself are completely hypocritical on this point.

Theres only only problem with your argument @labane 1917
Its called Donald Trump. Hes just as right wing as them other cunts and his language can also be seen as incitement