Nothing Great about Britain

commercial channel

Nothing too outlandish. Big man for the nosebag and womanising whenever in hotels with work. Mate of a mate was in the extended company a few times. He keeps the facade whiter than white though.

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All the stuff I’ve being saying for the last decade and more about UK media and the stories that get covered having a heavy bias towards the right-wing and what the right wing wants to talk about has been proven categorically correct beyond any doubt whatsoever. It was proven so years ago. It was proven so long before I was born. But it has only got worse. And this is yet more shitty icing on the cake.

I fucking hate it when I’m right about this sort of stuff.

Ian Wright showing some solidarity


Fair play to him.


Unfortunately there is unlikely to be a shortage of cunts willing to take his place.

Lineker is a brilliant presenter and will be snapped up by one of the commercial channels for double the wages.


Left wing has traditionally been a problem position for England. Stuart downing and Matt le tiss will be the panellists tomorrow night

This isn’t just about the Tories trying to destroy Lineker, it’s about the Tories trying to destroy the BBC itself. The strategy of right-wing nutcases is to continually run public institutions of value into the ground by stealth, so that they appear to be of less value than they actually are.

The Tories can’t just abolish the NHS or the BBC in one fell swoop because these institutions are beloved of the public, even most Tory voters.

So they chip away and chip away in the background. That’s what they’ve been doing to the NHS for decades.

That’s what they’re doing to the BBC, they get their Tory goons in there to impose subtle pro-Tory bias, or in occasional cases, increasingly less occasional cases, such as today, not so subtle pro-Tory bias. To take it down from the inside. Like Putin did with Trump and the Republicans in the US.

By doing this, they divide and conquer - because if they can get the BBC to appear biased in favour of the Tories, then they weaken opposition from Labour voters in terms of, say, getting rid of the 6pm and 10pm news, or privatising the BBC or even abolishing it altogether.

The ideal situation for the Tories in terms of demolishing the BBC is that you have Tory Brexiteers pushed through constant propaganda repetition into believing “fuck the BBC, they’re elite, Islington garden party attending middle class Europhile Remainer scum”, while Labour voters say “fuck the BBC, they’re only Tories anyway”

Therefore, overall public trust in the BBC goes down - and this fall in trust comes from both the right and the left, so weakening opposition to the destruction of the BBC as an institution.

And that, sad to say, is what is happening. I mean, now they’ve succeeded in demolishing Match Of The Day as an institution, because Lineker will not be back and it’ll be seen as a scab programme. To demolish Match Of The Day as a beloved British institution is some achievement for the Tories.

If they can continually chip away at the NHS, continually privatise more and more bits of it, the NHS is continually weakened and functions more and more poorly - which is the aim - so they get people to say “the NHS is not fit for purpose” or “we can’t afford the NHS” or stuff like that.

The whole thing is a con - the real aims of right-wing nutcases are very unpopular - so they find strategies to cloak their real aims, to lie, in other words, and also to divide opposition so that damaging changes which the public don’t want are pushed through without the public really even knowing what’s happening, they also devise tactics whereby sections of the public are manipulated into calling for things they don’t actually want.

The thing is, you can recognise that Andrew Neil, Laura Kuennsberg, Fiona Bruce et. al… are clearly biased in favour of the Tories, and that much of the BBC’s political or news coverage displays subtle or not so subtle pro-Tory bias, while at the same time recognising that the BBC, including BBC News - especially BBC News actually - is a public institution of massive intrinsic value to British society, culture and education and needs to be protected. The only hope of protecting it is a Labour government.

You cant throw the baby out with the bathwater. Because if the BBC is not protected, it will never be revived, and the alternative is a hell of a lot worse, the alternative is ultimately a landscape of British Fox Newses to permanently poison public debate - and mark my words, that’s what the Tories want, and are getting. Lineker’s words were on the money.


They got Linekar but could not put a glove on Joe Rogan


I’d imagine they’ll approach the lad from motd 2 who is an absolute gent. Not sure if he’ll take it though. He doesn’t strike me as a Tory mouthpiece.

I wonder will the ‘Free speech! Free speech!’ knob ends such as Toby Young and Lozza Fox stand up for GL. Will they fuck. There is a deeply sinister authoritarian streak in the current Tory Party/UKIP stratum.


Unfortunately they’ve managed to twist the BBC into that too. SKS will have a lot to unpick.

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I’m predicting Gabby Logan with Danny Murphy & Jermain Jenas.

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I’m predicting Suella Braverman with Nigel Farage and Matt Hancock


The far right don’t like it up em


This is the sort of situation where you need everybody to boycott, including production staff, and preferably the whole of BBC Sport.The production staff are the most vulnerable, because they are the least financially insecure and most disposable. You need the likes of Shearer out there in support. He’ll probably go and creosote his fence instead of supporting his colleague.

I’d say Mark Lawrenson has his phone charged up and at his side.