Nothing says Cork like

Actually, nothing says Cork like asking a Cork person for directions and them asking either why you want to go there or telling you that you don’t want to go there. Fucking annoys the shit out of me. Just tell me where the fucking place is


That’s exactly what happened.

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Probably for the best. I dont think @Tank would survive the interrogation in Clifford’s.

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The place where the hunted hog is now could be exceptionally good of a sunday night when shortt had it .

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Remember that alright long time ago

Same in Kerry

It was but very strict on closing times. Cliffords is where you get the lock in

Admittedly I’m not as up to speed on oceanic thermal properties as I should be, but on any given day would the temperature of the Atlantic in a specific location in East Cork be much different to the temperature of the Atlantic in another location in East Cork?

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The wind plays a big factor in water/ocean temps — somewhere where wind is more prevalent could be warmer or colder than somewhere where there’s little wind.

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Shade, shelter and sewage outfall would also play a part.


Sounds like there are a lot of variables at play here and this lady was able to provide @Tank with some useful local knowledge in that regard.

Good piece, some hurler

Correct, well used to be anyway,”
Leftover wedding cake etc bit now a bit modernised

More decent Cork produce

Were they picked in the lonely woods of Upton?

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Near enough, never slogged them though


Yeah, nowhere else has local egg producers like that. So Cork :ok_hand:

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