Nothing says Cork like

Ammm if you think so

Just a proud Irish republican ol stock
Nothing to be ashamed of
Course you’d know f all about that

Tried it 40 plus years ago
No joy
Lightweight then and now

And a confederate flag


Outstanding. Delighted for you

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Fuck nearly forgot it to go with Cyril’s sombrero

Thank you


I assume you have the ok of the parents because if my father in law ever tried to bring in a bag of soil to my childs maternity room hed be going back out the front door


Weird but congrats

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I told my father-in-law if he ever brought a Limerick jersey into the house for the child, I’d go off and buy a fucking Leister jersey and stick it on her every time we went to Limerick. That shut him up quickly

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Peak (or should it be peat) Corkness.

Congrats @Corksfinedtboy

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Joys :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I’ve a Cork one OTW aswell

He probably doesn’t need to go into the maternity hospital as the baby is unlikely to be walking on his feet for a while yet

I’d expect nothing less, great news :wave:

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What did the jackeen think? That he’d be in there with the soil on the foot while the baby is still wet? :rofl:

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This is beyond weird, even for Cork


“Sorry nurse, don’t mind this bag of shite, it’s for the baby’s feet


My aunt who was originally from Limerick had soil from her parish brought and put in with her when she died and was buried in Loughmore. Is that weird?

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Irish people in america and uk have been getting soil put on their feet for generations.

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Would the south Armagh crowd (of all crowds) not be raging at the suggestion where they are from is somehow lesser or not part of Ireland??

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