***Now Available*** TFK App for iPhone v1.01

v1.01 now available.

Find it by searching for TFK on iTunes.

Thanks to Flano for the screenshots of the iPhone version. If anyone wants to take a couple of screenshots on the iPad it would be appreciated.

Quick link: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/tfk/id491883730?ls=1&mt=8#

I’m in!

What are the changes? It seems a bit quicker.

The screenshots really capture the Raison D’etre of TFK, Celtic, gambling and Leitrim football

Lovely stuff. Should be handier to log on would be my only criticism. Quite hidden at the moment.

If you only have one criticism you should consider not posting it at all and just praising the App instead.

Much better than that Tapatalk yoke before :lol:

I’ll get a few iPad screenshots and put them up tomorrow.

Just about to release this app.

I don’t have an iPhone or iPad so you may have to help yourselves a bit here if you’re stuck on anything. It’s a new interface with sliding menus from the side and the whole app reading/posting etc should be slicker.

It may take a little while for it to appear on iTunes but it has been approved and all that jazz so it’s just waiting to appear in the search results.

[QUOTE=“Rocko, post: 822571, member: 1”]Just about to release this app.

I don’t have an iPhone or iPad so you may have to help yourselves a bit here if you’re stuck on anything. It’s a new interface with sliding menus from the side and the whole app reading/posting etc should be slicker.

It may take a little while for it to appear on iTunes but it has been approved and all that jazz so it’s just waiting to appear in the search results.[/QUOTE]

@ Rocko any idea how you log out from iPad app?

[QUOTE=“Spidey, post: 925841, member: 289”]r
@ Rocko any idea how you log out from iPad app?[/QUOTE]
It should be under More on the top left.

Unfortunately not seeing that in the menu - when I click on top left it just removes main forum and leaves me with menu with no logout option

Sorry - that was an old version.

If you click the left menu you should see a People option. Select that and then Logout will be top right. Very handy!

Is there going to be a new version of this?

Not anytime soon.