NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

These sorts of figures would make you want to throw up. Disinformation is a genuine evil.

Easy to understand thread with easy to understand graphics about how Covid has been steadily building up pressure on the NHS.

Britain is fucked. The ICUs will be wedged by Halloween. Is there anything they can do to save themselves?

Move to Afghanistan.

It seems to me that most of the world has put all its eggs in the vaccine basket and is now pretty much completely rejecting the multi-pronged approach including a range of non-pharmaceutical interventions. This looks like folly.

How the thicks thought it was possible in the first place, only God knows!

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Uh oh

The supply chains for beachside coffees are creaking

A success in any man’s language. Significantly less deaths, hospitalisations, case numbers and time spent under COVID restrictions. Oh, and did I mention the coffees by the beach? :wink:

October 18th identified as Sydney’s freedom day.

Rest assured guys, this will not be the end of the beachside coffees. (CC @Enrique )


Stay safe.

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Says the worthlessness of white people that a year plus later they still can’t wear their masks properly.

You’re a very racist man.

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What part of your anatomy is your mask currently hanging off mate.

Very concerning post from him.

What’s the matter with you?


A strange turn, even for TFK. The admins need to step in and sort this out before it goes viral.