NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

It sounds a lot like Varadkars speach I’m afraid except where he got a letter from a 13 year old, healthcare worker and someone with an underlying condition.

Takeaways so far.
Not in a position to ease lockdown.
5 criteria to be met for easing lockdown
5 phases or steps for easing restrictions
Stage 3 is coinciding with our stage 3 in July.
Everything dependent on advice from medical experts.

He drew an analogy in relation to coming out of lockdown as being more dangerous like coming down a mountain. Where have I heard that before…

This is giving me a pain in the Bollix

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Stay alert lads

Hold firm

Actually you can play tennis, golf, go to the beach, go fishing from wednesday @Tassotti

I’m off to Brighton


I wonder do they have the same rules in place as us for playing tennis.

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Boris told them to walk or use a bike to get to work.

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I haven’t seen their blueprint yet. Might just be household members.

Borris is advocating a stay alert mantra now as opposed to a stay at home one. This is contradictory to what Sturgeon, Foster and the welsh fella are saying.

In fairness to Boris he didnt want to lockdown initially, the pressure came from half a million projected deaths via Fergusons model.

He is mad to OIUTF & rightly so.

Yeah the so called devolved countries like Scotland and Wales require a lot of subvention and are not as nearly as badly hit as England itself. They could benefit from England going back first while they adopt a more conservative plan.

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Captain of the debating team stuff

That was one heavily edited ‘speech’. Recorded over 2 days, dear Lord

Did he say whether or not my da can go back to mass?

No but he said Tyrone were a shoe in for Ulster next year

That’s old etonian code for mounting a pig

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2 thickos down at the end of the class.