NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Surely excess deaths is the key stat? Although some may be due to lack of oxygen from being under the bed too long it’s a fairly good indicator. How many died in the same period last year.



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“The Trump administration says black Americans’ high death rate is because they were already unhealthy.”

This just sums up the mentallers.

Someones hacked Trumps twitter

Covid-19 has been deemed to be a ‘notifiable disease’, which many experts have claimed gives the appearance of it causing increasing numbers of deaths. There is a significant difference between Covid-19 causing death and Covid-19 being found in someone who died of other causes. I know you’re very skeptical of my credentials on statistics, but would you trust the word of an expert on the causes and effects of diseases?

Bumped for @mikehunt. Standing by for your update on this one buddy.

Just to resolve this little spat, yes in many cases it is subjective. Most of those who have died in nursing homes have not had a Covid-19 test, the cause of death is attributed to Covid-19 based on symptoms. This is the major difference when it comes to Covid-19 compared to how other respiratory diseases like the flu have been handled. In comparison, let’s say someone died last year who had had a heart attack and also had symptoms of the flu, they would be recorded as a heart attack death. This year a similar death would also record Covid-19 as a cause of death based on symptoms.

The CDC guidelines on recording Covid-19 death are either a positive PCR test or probable cause due to symptoms, which is being followed now by most countries.

So you’re saying they’re guessing cause of death and Covid 19 deaths are overstated? Yes or no answer will do.

I hold Dr Gupka, in high regard, certainly higher than the horndog Ferguson. In March she was quite correct to warn that Ferguson’s model could be a load of bollox, which it was. Haven’t listened to all her talk, but the most important thing she has said so far is that the virus was likely around much earlier than originally thought, and had already swept though the population when lockdowns were initiated.

She is clearly on the anti lockdown side of the argument.

There are no yes or no binary answers when it comes to Covid-19. Compared to the flu, Covid 19 deaths are certainly being overstated, as the flu is rarely tested for (there is a similar PCR test for all viral respiratory diseases) and rarely put on a death certificate as cause of death. That’s why flu deaths have such wide estimates.

It’s not guessing, it’s their best estimate of probable cause of death, and as we know most deaths (96%) have at least one other co-morbidity, and in 60% of deaths at least three.

If the flu isn’t tested for then it is unknown how many die from it. More likely the flu numbers are overstated. When you have variations of between 20k-60k for seasonal flu deaths in a year you know they are guessing. You call it estimating. An estimate would be more like 45-50 or 55-60. 20-60 is a guess. Comparing the seasonal flu to Covid 19 and concluding they’re on a par is bizarre with what is known about both. It’s your opinion so fair enough, but I will leave you with this little stat.

Per 100k population in the US 1 person is hospitalised from seasonal flu. From Covid the number is 30. Professor Gupta mentioned 2 stats that are reliable, death rates and number of hospitalisations. Covid figures are far far higher for both.

This graph is interesting, excess deaths in z-score between Ireland and Sweden

Ireland through locking down look to have kept the levels similar to a bad flu season in 2017 and 2018
Sweden’s excess deaths are still above a significant deviation from the mean, but are dropping too.

We’re actually having less than normal amounts of excess deaths at the moment. I’d imagine this is to do with people who are sick not spending weeks in overcrowded corridors on a trolley


Where in the name of Jaysus did you pull that number from, 3,300 hospitalizations per year from seasonal flu? Your little stat is wrong, grossly.

The number according to the CDC for 2017 was 500,000 and for 2018 (a bad flu season) 810,000. The estimate for 2019 is 490,000. As of yesterday the number of Covid-19 hospitalizations was just over 225K, again from the CDC.

You should really stop when it comes to the numbers.

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3 million died from salmonellae last year, we should start testing chickens

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A rinse with chlorine is all that’s needed cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

CDC data shows that during the first 6 weeks of the 2017–2018 flu season — roughly in line with the length of the pandemic so far — 1.3 out of every 100,000 people were hospitalized.

For COVID-19, it’s nearly 30 out of every 100,000Trusted Source.

Boris is opening up, business as usual by July, Paddy might be allowed go to the shop on his own by August

Boris set five tests, the British public have passed them all, families will be allowed to meet from Monday onward in what will be a joyous occasion