NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

How could the number of deaths recorded as being due to/attributable to Covid-19 be any higher? I thought it was fairly obvious that, due to the death certification practices whereby doctors only need to suspect Covid-19 was a factor, there’s strong evidence that the numbers are artificially high. Are you suggesting that people are dying and the deaths are being hidden?

Let’s wait until we have data for the full year before commenting on that. @EstebanSexface, kindly pulled data on Ireland, Italy, and Sweden earlier this week and sensationally announced “Sweden has gone above Italy”, when in fact the correct interpretation was that Sweden’s daily confirmed Covid-19 cases have gone back up to a number that Italy was well in excess of from early March to late May (almost 3 months).

As shown below, Sweden (no lockdown) has tracked quite closely around this number since early April, whereas Italy (lockdown) spiked several orders of magnitude above it for a sustained period of time.

Also, the area underneath the plots is telling. The areas for Ireland (lockdown) and Sweden (no lockdown) are broadly similar, which tells a story in itself, especially when you consider Sweden has more than double the population of Ireland.

Nothing in the plot above suggests that Ireland’s approach has outperformed Sweden’s. I still maintain that the lockdown was ill-advised and my concerns about the long-term damage remain.


What are you talking about? The data is per month. The year to date? Why measure the first 5 months of this year against an entire year? You’ve tried to pull in Sweden and Esteban but the above has nothing to do with that. If England has only 40 thousand covid deaths so far (and that includes ones you think are being falsely attributed to covid), then there is something else extraordinary happening this year that has killed and extra 20,000 people. What are the chances of a worldwide pandemic colliding with an unnamed, unseen, unreferenced (by anyone other than tfk experts) killer disease?
I’m away off under the bed if that’s the case.


That’s a rolling average of new cases. Sweden’s 3 day rolling average is now higher than Italys 3 day average. Irelands 3 day average is very low.

Sweden’s excess deaths are an awful lot higher than irelands

Italy locked down too late.

Sweden are far, far worse off than their Scandinavian neighbours and there is fuck all economic gain for them

Let’s just wait and see how that plot develops…

Are you still trying to row your boat up a weir here, kid?

Some absolute dopes here think they were in the right all along with their loony ideas cos everyone else is pulling the piss and getting a bit sick of the lockdown :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

What lockdown? Dublin Airport was open the whole time to the best of my knowledge

Ladybird this.


Good or bad?

They had Ulrika so they can’t be all bad

Hard to tell, 99% of the graphs support 25% of the arguments.

Maybe the Germans really are the ubermensch

Seems a growing view that people have a natural immunity to this because of previous exposure to other similar viruses. Not sure we will ever fully understand how it affects people differently.

And it took the genius of @ironmoth to uncover it :smiley:

Time to quit the EU and start wearing poppys again

Pure lies

Boris wouldn’t tell a lie

They’ve included non-eu countries and excluded Spain and Italy. Also included non-countries. Very disingenuous.

What’s the country between Belarus and Ukraine?

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Incredible achievement from Boris.