NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

It’s far too soon to draw any conclusions about who did the right thing

That’s a fair point, good observation. I had a major epiphany after the Abortion Referendum, which I was right behind, when I realized that eventually some form of euthanasia would come to Ireland. Like abortion it will probably be a far more moderated regime than on the continent. I know that sounds nuts but the Rubicon has been passed. But yes, you’re getting at something here. This questioning of the moral and economic value of old people’s lives is sinister but it’s also an inevitable consequence of the death of God and the collapse of the Judeo-Christian belief system, which I assume you are as much a part of as I am. The big question facing Europe for at least a century now is the value of human life (and as a corollary the value of its own civilization.)

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NZ showing island nations how it’s done. Proper country with proper leadership.

Or accuse you of being GOD

Look, you are only proving yourself a clown. I said nothing of the sort. You cannot even read accurately. The ersatz George Hook stuff, if nothing else, is a bore.

What I said: a society that mishandles this crisis is potentially only three weeks away from its health service being overwhelmed, with concomitant terrible scenarios. This statement remains correct and has been the main driver in most states’ approach.

Take your time reading that paragraph. Try to breathe at the same time.

No it is not. A needlessly lost life cannot be given back.

No-one is screaming murderers.

Except @mikehunt . He might be.

You’ve added the word potentially from your response to @Horsebox earlier

You really are simple minded, which is why, apart from a personality defect, you think what you think – anonymously.

Did you miss the “aspect” and “if” words? Did you miss the day in school where those words were covered?

I’ve screenshot what you wrote there. I’ll leave it up to the more experienced readers and breathers who don’t have personality defects to work it out.

Case conceded. Do you want to PayPal me €50 for the grind?

The ‘if’ clause in the first comment, introducing a conditional, did the same work as “potentially” in the second comment. I guess you are too dim to grasp such points.

At least George Hook, the roaring gobshite, got paid. You just have a personality defect – ‘Let them die, let them die’ – larded with dimness. Anonymously, of course.

Case not conceded. Work away if you think you won. Internet victories seem important to you.

“If” a society mishandles this it “is” only three weeks away from its health service being overrun. You must think Sweden handled it well as their health service coped fine.


Listen, you clown, you made a comment to me, not the other way round. The conditional tense seems to be a problem for people like ye. Not my problem that you are too dim to appreciate and too full of guff to learn. Your problem.

Remember: George Hook got paid. You are just an anonymous clown who thinks unpleasantness equals personality.

Enjoy yourself.

Gas the way you’re resorting to personal insults (repeatedly) here.


lads screaming about lockdown for months and we haven’t been in a lockdown, for months.

The only thing not open are pubs that don’t serve food, I’m not sure why. It might be a massive imposition on some, like having to wear a mask sometimes is. But if the offset of having these slight impositions (big impositions for publicans that can’t open) is that it may save someone’s life, then surely that’s not a big deal.

It isn’t just old people, as is being claimed constantly here. There are young people who have possibly treatable underlying conditions, getting it and not surviving, not getting the chance to fight the underlying conditions. Some young people have got it and they have had severe infections, with reduced lung capacity, after the infection has cleared

Nobody knows the long term effects of a bad dose of this yet. Caution is still prudent.


Yes, I enjoy insulting unpleasant dimwits like you. Ye deserve it.

Now run off to your burrow.

Like I said, gas

The dullards reckon there are just two outcomes to getting Covid. Either ‘death’ or ‘you’re grand’ and each outcome is age dependent. They also believe that current low levels of fatalities and hospitalizations have nothing to do with the lockdown and it’s just the virus fizzling out.

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Any time you want to look me in the eye and tell me what you think, I am easily found.

An anonymous dimwitted coward, with multiple accounts, is not someone by whom I would be bothered.

Most people here know where I work. Come chat anytime