NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Word on the mainland is that this “new strain” has been known about since September, and is probably similar to the one in Spain earlier. Apparently, the govt daren’t admit that leaving London in tier 2 caused the spike, so basically lied, and blamed a more infectious strain, not, as usual, anticipating the response.
Or there’s this :slight_smile:


Again with the Bill Gates :smile:

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When are you rehashing your original Username? Throw off the cloak and grow a pair etc?

I don’t understand mate?

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The sheer stupidity of certain people on here is something to behold. They should be, by their own hard right wing lights, sterilized.

Now who’s offended by free speech?

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A ‘flue shot’. Is this some chimney installation to nobble Santa?

The Ghost of Christmas Past.

Christmas future more likely, unfortunately

Fuck bill gates anyway. And Soros as well

the British army have been deployed on major roads out of London to contain the spread of the virus, I never thought I’d see the day

whats is like in Manchester? A mate of mine was tasered trying to get to Stansted on Saturday night


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You can still get bottled or stabbed if you know the right places to go.


I working here at home and can here fighter jets from the RAF implementing the travel ban, patrolling all the main roads

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The RAF are hardly in Clare.

I hope @flattythehurdler has the Christmas “claret” bought already.

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Is the ignore button broken?