NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

First day of school “closures” over here. I don’t know how many we are expecting but I expect it to be chaos in 20 minutes time. We’d a parent claim to be a key worker last week because she worked in retail. In a Vape shop. Our NHS working parents have been fantastic to be fair. It’s the other parents that are and will push it today.


I see poor @Malarkey has the usual gormless suspects coming to his aid after he was sugically picked apart with a scalplel last night. :smile:

One of the greatest meltdowns ever seen here.

I really hope nobody brings this to Trump’s attention. Fauci is badly needed over there.

Policy by Fox News, shure right-wing ideology loves the idea of the survival of the fittest - except when it comes to the stock market, which is of course by far the most important patient here, at least according to our resident “adults in the room” (see: screaming morons).

Video of Miami Beach is crazy

The US ability to lock a country down is unparalleled in any western democracy

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Only over their cold dead bodies will Republicans lose the right to cough COVID-19 onto each other.

It’s a miracle the US is still a super power. They can’t even pass a relief bill for covid 19 now. It reminds me of that asteroid episode of the Simpson’s where someone is trying to tack on arts funding to the Springfield relief package.


You’re some chap for glib sweeping statements about economics that sound absolutely ridiculous to anyone with the remotest involvement in markets. It’s a fucking $2 trillion fiscal package, 10% of it’s annual GDP, 6 times Oirelands GDP. Do you expect it to just sail through unquestioned?

“Those stupid yanks, I might get a couple of likes if I blast them on some ft headline I read” Jesus Christ.

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The US now hunting down Italy like Kilkenny relentlessly hunted down Cork in the 1972 All-Ireland hurling final.

This will send @Malarkey spare.

Can I get a can of whoop ass on aisle 2 Stone Cold announced on the PA, I remember it well, he hid in the freezer.


You are mentally ill. I would feel sorry for you, except that you are a right nasty piece of work. What journalists will you slime on Twitter this time? Jim Jones also had a Samson complex. Self righteousness might wear a veneer of leftism but is always, emotionally, the authoritarianism of the inadequate.

Surgical precision means no better retort than spluttering about drunkenness…? Whatever you are having yourself, sir. You are a mentally challenged moron.

‘Heigh ho, heigh ho. It’s off to Guyana we go.’

What’s your evidence that I’m mentally ill? The fact that my posts piss you off to an inordinate degree?

You’re a great man to throw the toys out of the pram when you can’t hog them. Very Trump-like.

Funny you were talking about hypocrisy last night. Now you’ve walked right into it, again.

I love your strategy - throw around fake claims of self-righteousness at others, while wallowing in actual fake self-righteousness like you wallowed in victimhood after August 18th last. You must have the patent on it at this stage.

I haven’t a clue what Guyana has to do with anything. They launch rockets into space from there, don’t they? Maybe your own sanity got accidentally loaded onto one of them and blown into the ether, never to return?


Guyana is where JJ deleted his account finally so to speak

You do not piss me off. You are like some other hissters on this forum, obsessed with that odd term ‘seethe’. The anger comes from the sort of person who is obsessed with the Irish media scene, who aches to be on the telly, in print, important, the prompt of jealousy in others, the prompt of jealousy on internet fora.

That sort of craic arouses cold amusement in me. I know quite a lot of people in the Irish media. Most of them are dopes whose major skill is sycophancy.

No, I just think the comparison between a Superbowl and thousands dying in a pandemic says pretty much it all about a person’s nature. And one of the wisdoms common or garden middle age bestows is a realization that someone’s nature is a far more accurate guide to their true politics than is their trumpeted politics.

You have written here about being obnoxious to people on a train going home from a match. Drink taken, m’lud… You do not like people because people do not give you, same as for Jim Jones, quite the self reflection you want. And your ‘politics’, because you do not like people, has to be of a brittle removed nettled kind. I would bet you have never worked in a team or in a community group or in a voluntary group or with people you did not particularly like. You are a self-obsessed egomaniac.

Normally, in media circles, this personality type is a recipe for success. So I really do not know what to say to you at all.

Trump is a thick, dangerous sociopath, and a fucking total cunt to boot.
An ignoramus.

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I’ve not seen them?