NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Which lads?

@Batigol, the prick


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That’s a statement.
I don’t even know where to start.

Sure start at the beginning.

Good to see chaps mixing it up a bit by using the word ‘fellas’ instead of ‘lads’. You’d nearly be afraid the banter would become stale otherwise

This isn’t at all true.
The fact is that there is no good evidence at all that hydroxy chloroquine is the panacea that some people are claiming. The evidence is dubious in the extreme. It may help, but there is currently as much evidence for fennel tea.

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You’ve obviously never tried cleaning a fish tank with fennel tea

Hard to argue with that.

You do understand that we are in a bit of a pickle with people dying in their thousands? It is quite common practice to try things that may work in emergencies such as this… or are you suggesting you know more than the doctors who are trying it?

Not suggesting anything.
You keep ascribing statements to me that I have never made.

What are you blabbing on about then? Nobody is suggesting it is a cure for COVID-19, but there are valid reasons to suggest it may alleviate the symptoms. If doctors are self medicating with it, I imagine they have thought it through a little first.

That is utter nonsense. You are basing your entire argument on the anecdote that some doctors are taking it. Some doctors are wife beating alcoholics. Doesn’t make it right.

I am basing my argument on my knowledge of the drug, which I have extensively studied. You even stated yourself it may reduce the cytokine storm a few days ago, but obviously you have forgotten.

You simply don’t have an argument, other than waking up on the wrong side of the bed.

I’ll answer one last time.
I have never said that it doesn’t work. I have simply said that there is no good evidence that it does.
You quote heresay and conjecture as kinds of evidence.
You seem to have a bizarrely high opinion of doctors.

You did, you did

:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

That thesaurus has paid for itself

A bottle of fever tree a day will keep the doctor away.

But sure we are mostly in agreement then. All that for nothing.