NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Unsurprisingly, the first thing in this crisis the Trump regime has been in some way competent at is ordering bodybags.

Alot of half-hearted efforts there. We should send them a shipment of 1/2 inch wavin pipes.


New York paying the price for the faux bravado and we won’t do what Trump wants attitude now. Same as London with Johnson. Yet the respective leaders will probably still be blamed

UK is still far from locked down. Deputy CMO now on Peston saying testing is a side issue. I can assure you Boris is out of his depth. The construction and manufacturing workers in London and the rest of UK are still told to go to work tomorrow.

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All major news networks in the US have blanked Trump’s nightly fascist rally.

Mainly the drugs ‘war’, Iran, the wall, mexico. Only a little coronavirus so far.

As an aside, the british tory press are starting to turn on the govt, well except the express anyway.
Johnson might think himself lucky he’s physically out of the spotlight right now.

Mmm. Do you think physically out of the spotlight. Really strange that one.

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As in he’s not at the podium facing the questions every day and so his mush isn’t all over the papers.
A more conspiratorial mind might wonder about the genuineness of his malady but not me.

Imagine Bush started talking about Gary Condit the night after 9/11.

The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine have a new model out considering a range of scenarios.

They basically say that either somewhere between 35% and 73% of the rest of 2020 and 2021 will be spent under some form of lockdown, or the likelihood is there will be at least 220k deaths in the UK.

Not up to it. Conspiracy theorists might be suspicious.

A scarf, depending on the material, can be sometimes better than a mask.
I mean for fuck sake :laughing:

What is with the UK critical case total?
For the majority of other countries the daily deaths are a fraction of the amount they have in ICU.
But the uk on other often report far less people in ICU than they report to have died. E.g. today they reported over 500 dead but only 160 in ICU.

Because we are a world power in bullshit The bumbling fool cannot hide bodies though.

I read today that Italy’s latest daily figures are based off just 14% testing positive in their latest daily batch of tests while the corresponding positive case per test figure for the UK is 44%.

Italy is testing a lot more but the difference in figures is stark. The shit is beginning to hit the fan in a big way now for the Brits. They’re supposed to be changing the way they count deaths over the next few days to take account of all COVID-19 deaths, aren’t they? If they account truthfully for all the ones they’ve already missed in addition to the ones they’re continually missing on a daily basis, their figures could explode. I think the narrative is about to change in a big way.

I think the additional figures outside of the NHS will be done weekly. I’d say we’ll know all within days. Heres praying it’s not as bad as it looks

563 on a single day is already utterly nightmarish and into Italy/Spain territory. It’s just horrible. It was already horrible looking on at it happen in Italy and Spain but even for those living in Ireland the UK feels far closer to home in every way and more affecting (not that Italy and Spain is not).

I really cannot believe that the two islands haven’t been closed down. Why bring one down with the other. Regardless of politics or who’s right or wrong surely we are too closely tied to worry about that. This is a body count and the less counted the better regardless.

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The scariest statistic in there to me was this

The CDC are about to change their guidelines for the general public. The risk is if you are asymptomatic you could spread this virus to others by coughing or sneezing, say somebody that has allergies and sneezes. Literally anything covering your mouth would be effective.

Maddow completely devastating there on Trump and rightly so. All reporting sourced from mainstream press reporting.

The US has NO national measures in place to halt the spread of COVID-19.

Republican Governor Brian Kemp of Georgia only learned today that asymptomatic people can spread the virus - to him this news is a “revelation and a game changer”.

The Trump regime has not taken up an offer of ventilators from the Pentagon.

Federal supply of respirator masks, gloves and gowns is almost gone. The Trump regime appears to be unaware of this.

The Trump regime has not nationalised the supply of PPE. US manufacturers of PPE are exporting it in large numbers because of this, eg. 280 million masks purchased by foreign buyers ove the last few days becasue Trump has not nationalsed the supply chain.

Trump assures states there is a stockpile of 10k ventilators which he’s not releasing – but thousands of them don’t work anyway.

States are being left to fend completely fund for themselves amidst massive price gouging.

Comfort, the floating hospital in New York has 5 (five) patients on board when it’s supposed to be able to take 1000.

Doctors and nurses are being fired for complaining about inadequate equipment.

The US is a total mess and is making a complete disaster out of a crisis and no amount of hurt feelings and neurotic denials and bluster here will change that fact.