Official All Ireland Minor and U20 Hurling & Football Thread (Part 1)

The officials look worried that that trophy will be taken from them and tip will be done for robbery.

If these tip lads got too much change in a shop, they would not be honest and acknowledge the mistake.

Questionable characters in tip GAA

Another Cork referee.

Limerick should keep their heads down and say nowt, lost 2 games and still in a quarter final.

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This game should be replayed.

Disgraceful behaviour from the officials.

Expected dishonesty from tip

No recourse to replay the game. They’re still in the Championship, they should thank their lucky stars.

No, they were denied a fair chance at the munster championship.

Replay the only fair outcome here.

No replay available

Not true.

Kildare minors won a 2nd Leinster in 3 years, 2-15 to 1-9 against Longford. Excellent performance, need to kick on and challenge for the AI now.

Yes it is. The referees decision on time keeping is final. Game over man. Game over.

Not true.

Listen, away and shite you goon. @glasagusban will be online shortly and ye can sing cumbaya together maybe and have a circle jerk about this.

You have no clue.

What you have continued to state is completely wrong.

Just stop. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Horrific mistake by the ref but he had rode Tipp sideways during the game so I’m not too bothered by it

I’m gonna call it now Limerick will beat Tipp in the minor final this year.

Doubt it. Neither team looked great IMO

Some crack going on in Westmeath at present. The timeline seems to be

County Board decide to pull out of MHC ‘B’ Championship due to “not having any jerseys for the team”

Minor Manager Greville (a firey character I believe) goes on twitter lambasting them for this reason

County Board issue a statement saying the reason they didn’t enter a team was because they didnt think it would be beneficial due to them getting to a Leinster MHC semi final. Then they threw in a dig at the end about missing a set of jerseys from the last game played and questioning players who would give away the county jersey
CB Statement
Westmeath GAA would like to take this opportunity to clarify matters as the items discussed on Twitter contain inaccuracies which require correction.Westmeath GAA are very pleased with the progress made by Westmeath Minor Hurlers this year under the stewardship of Johnny Greville who has brought a new dimension of professionalism to the preparation of the team.All of us were naturally disappointed that our team exited the Leinster Championship at the semi final stage but we do know that the base for progress is through the highest grade of championship proper.
To that extent, Westmeath GAA did not enter a Minor team in this years B Championship and this matter was discussed thoroughly through County Management Commitee and the decision communicated accordingly. Hence the question of us pulling out of a Championship that we did not enter is disingenuous and we are very disappointed with the manner in which this has arisen in the media through twitter today.
We appreciate that people become passionate about matters in which they believe strongly in but we do expect everyone to have their facts correct.
In relation to the matter of jerseys & appropriate gear for the Minor team and for all of our teams in both Hurling and Football, Westmeath GAA do like all our fellow County committees endeavour to fully support all the players who don our County Colours.
Certainly after the Leinster Minor Hurling Semi final, a set of Jerseys went missing which was unacceptable. There has to be pride in wearing ones colours and we expect all players who represent Westmeath to have the pride in them to retain their colours at all times.

Minor players go on social media and lay into the CB stating how they are out expenses for some 2 months now and don’t appreciate being accused of robbing a set of jerseys

Minor manager issues statement saying he was never told they were pulling out of the MHC ‘B’ and he was the one who requested to enter it. Stuck up for players also, while having another cut at the CB

Some crack.

Off the Ball had this last night, the Co Board PRO or CM said they had loads of jerseys as they purchased 9 sets for this year. Surely the Sponsor supplied these jerseys?

The CB coming across as extremely mean out of this.

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To my knowledge the sponsor of the shirt is just that, and he doesn’t supply anything. He merely gives the CB a wedge, and they spend it accordingly.

This is a massive OG by the CB, they are extremely pissed off that the team swapped the shirts after the Dublin game, but surely teams are allowed keep their jersey once the year is done? This MHC ‘B’ should have been designated for the U17’s and used as prep for next year, and fuck them out a set of jerseys from somewhere else.

Thundering gobshites.


Spot on, pal. The promotion of the game of hurling is being totally lost in the fuck up.

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