Official All Ireland Minor and U20 Hurling & Football Thread (Part 2)

Coin toss for home advantage

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Thomas Gleeson is the ref. Dont know who the others are. Thomas is regarded as a decent ref. Only saw the second red. Looked a little harsh but they are generally being given as red cards this year

Yeah, you’d wonder what the linesman said for the first one.

That looks a very harsh red. But I think I’m right in saying it was a Tipp fella who went down feigning injury in the last game and got an opponent sent off - maybe a good lesson for everyone in it. These are still children though, referees should be only issuing red cards when convinced they are merited.

Tipp would have bate the absolute bollox off em with a full complement.

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I wouldn’t single him out, his linesman making a name for himself on the wrong day imo. Ref could be stronger and use common sense though…

Linesman got both young lads sent off. Fucking jobsmith wanker

2nd Tipp player can have no complaints really

Tipp have guts, I’ll give them that.

Woodlock may be their biggest liability if he doesn’t calm himself down as his team are playing the better hurling despite being down to 13. I wouldn’t rule them out yet - they seem craftier than KK and will probably get every marginal call in the 2nd half.

First red was ridiculous, they can have no complaints about the second one.

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Tippos got a young Mattie sent off for v little in semi; karma is a b1tch!

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Second one is a soft one but a “when you go in like that you give the ref a decision to make” one.

Can’t see where the red is in the first one.

Tipp have been DONE

The first one looked very harsh based on what you could see on the TV.

The second one was a definite red. He lined him a dropped the shoulder.

Tipp will probably still beat them though

Yes you took the words out of my mouth. Similar to David Burke vs Dublin and the Thomas’ fella in the Club Final

Karma?? Will ya gway tĂĄ fuck!!

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Not a hope. Unless Kilkenny get a man or two sent off.

Tend to agree on the second.

Once he made first call he instantly has Tipp player going gung-ho trying to cover other lads etc.

Real pity they couldn’t take a second to think of the game and not their assessor in the stand.

Game could have been a real cracker.

Did he just give us a soft free?

Tipp all over them here

Murray is the truth


The legs will be the problem here

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