Official KIB V St Galls All Ireland Club Final Thread

Wouldn’t be going that far now calling him a big KIB club man.
KIB Man often fucks off outta places he’s not wanted.

Whats ironic about this was you were on to me recently about not picking up on sarcasm. :smiley:

Nope, wasn’t me onto you about sarcasm anyway.

What we both agree is KIB is a bluffer anyway, thats the most important thing.


Easy now fools.

Unfortunately economic circumstances forced me to emigrate away from the beautiful Quilty shore. That view out to Mutton Island is the last thing I see at night and the beautiful sea air will never leave me. Depending on which way the surf is I hope to be able to see the game. As a staunch club man I hope it will be our day.

Bull shit.

You were very upset that I was legitimately drawing my stamps at home, now your upset that I’ve emigrated. Are you an upset individual generally?

Don’t fret, you weren’t likely to get a call up anyway.

Be nice to LinkWalshy and he’ll keep a programme for you.

True, i don’t really like spongers. I’m delighted you fucked off, just found it funny you try to pass yourself off as a real KIB man, when in fact your not. A real GAA man would have stayed around for the biggest day ever. I daresay there was guys passed you coming the other way from Oz and the states and elsewhere, just to be there on this most significant of days.

And even an extension of that, if you had any friends involved wouldn’t you want to be there to support them. But i doubt you do.

You were the outcast kid growing up, who tried too hard to be different, and it backfired.

Aston Villa hey? :rolleyes:

Easy to know you’re only a leanbh C

FYI In 1988 there were more Midleton people listening in from the US than at the final.

That same year, a picture of a winning Criost Ri side was unveiled in a Boston pub, all but the priest were in the pub that night.

So you would have preferred if I had hung around for a couple more months drawing my stamps?

Make your mind up you mong. You were on the dole yourself not so long ago ya sponger :lol:

Considering I was en route to Oz for the semi final I prob should have booked the flight straight home again alright :rolleyes:

I’d love to be there alright but sure what can you do. Life is all about choices and I’m happy with the road I’ve taken.

He is just narrow minded. He doesnt know what it means to be part of the diaspora.

lets not go crazy here, it’s one of the foulest stenching small villages in the world half the time.

smell is long gone since the sewage works were put in. Its a real idyllic spot now. Unique Spanish influence in the architecture of the village.

One good thing about being away on days like a Club Final is that it makes you miss stuff you never thought about when you were at Home.

But you’re still a miserable mane oul’bollox

i’m afraid when the wind and tide blow against ye and seaweed blows up and rots for a while it returns to the foul stench many are familiar with.

Will be a great day in Dublin before, during and after the game. I don’t think people realise how much of an achievement it is for a club like KIB to make an All Ireland club final. A county that treats football disgracefully where the standard of football generally is pure muck. But KIB have strived to set their own standards for the past number of years. The Munster title a few years back was a great boost and acted as an inspiration to the younger players coming after. It took an outsider Micheal McDermott to install the necessary discipline back into the set up and now all the hard work at underage, off the field and at adult level is bearing glorious fruit.

It’s an area where Quilty has only one pub, Mullagh down the road a virtual ghost town now but once a lively village, Coore - a crossroads near Mount Callan, (although bizarrely KIB is the biggest parish in Munster!!!). That’s it. The fall of the pyramid scheme Celtic Tiger will desolate the area further but its in times like these that a GAA club can act as a beacon of hope of what can be done. When ambition, belief, hard work, talent and a group ethic morph together anything is possible. And that, irregardless of what happens on the 17th is the real story.

A Billy Morgan team i’d say?

I was at 1988 final, we knew a lad playing, well my dad did. Thought it was earlier than that though.

Anyway, i know of Kilmurray people coming home from all over the place, thats why i find it weird such a clubman like KIB is gone wandering off.

Indeed and i do, how do you think i know so many KIB people?